Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1

this individual feels. This person views the two con-
cepts differently and appears to feel negatively
about divorce.

Statistical techniques can create three-dimen-
sional diagrams of results.^23 The three aspects are
diagrammed in a three-dimensional “semantic
space.” In the diagram, “good” is up and “bad” is
down, “active” is left and “passive” is right, “strong”
is away from the viewer and “weak” is close.
5.Guttman scaling.Also called cumulative
scaling,the Guttman scaling indexdiffers from
the previous scales or indexes in that we use it to


Example of Bogardus Social Distance Scale

A researcher wants to find out how socially distant freshmen college students feel from
exchange students from two different countries: Nigeria and Germany. She wants to see
whether students feel more distant from students coming from Africa or from Europe. She
uses the following series of questions in an interview:

Please give me your first reaction, yes or no, whether you personally would feel com-
fortable having an exchange student from (name of country):
—————— A s a visitor to your college for a week
—————— A s a full-time student enrolled at your college
—————— Taking several of the same classes you are taking
—————— Sitting next to you in class and studying with you for exams
—————— Living a few doors down the hall on the same floor in your dormitory
—————— A s a same-sex roommate sharing your dorm room
—————— A s someone of the opposite sex who has asked you to go out on a date

Hypothetical Results

The results suggest that freshmen feel more distant from Nigerian students than from
German students. Almost all feel comfortable having the international students as visitors,
enrolled in the college, and taking classes. Feelings of distance increase as interpersonal
contact increases, especially if the contact involves personal living settings or activities not
directly related to the classroom.

Percentage of Freshmen
Who Report Feeling Comfortable
Nigeria Germany
Visitor 100% 100%
Enrolled 98 10 0
Same class 95 98
Study together 82 88
Same dorm 71 83
Roommate 50 76
Go on date 42 64

Guttman scaling index A scale that researchers use
after data are collected to reveal whether a hierarchi-
cal pattern exists among responses so that people who
give responses at a “higher level” also tend to give
“lower level” ones.
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