Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1

nominal variable categories; then calculate the
mean for the cases in each variable category from
the raw data. Table 3 shows the mean age of people
in each of the attitude categories. The results sug-
gest that the mean age of those who disagree is
much higher than for those who agree or have no

Measures of Association

A measure of associationis a single number that
expresses the strength, and often the direction, of a
relationship. It condenses information about a bivari-
ate relationship into a single number. There are many
measures of association. The correct one to use
depends on the level of measurement of the data and
specific research purposes. Many measures are

identified by letters of the Greek alphabet. Lambda,
gamma, tau, chi (squared), and rho are commonly
used measures. The emphasis here is on interpret-
ing the measures, not on their calculation. To under-
stand each measure, you will need to complete at
least one statistics course. Some measures of asso-
ciation, such as gamma, are for data measured at the
ordinal level (see Expansion Box 2, Gamma). Other
measures, such as the correlation coefficient,
assume data measured at the ratio-level (see Expan-
sion Box 3, Correlation).
Most of the elementary measures discussed
here follow a proportionate reduction in error
logic. The logic asks how much does knowledge
of one variable reduce the errors that are made
when guessing the values of the other variable.
Independencemeans that knowledge of one vari-
able does not reduce the chance of errors on the
other variable. Measures of association equal zero
if the variables are independent.
If there is a strong association or relationship
between the independent and dependent variable,
we make few errors in predicting a dependent vari-
able based on knowledge of the independent vari-
able, or the proportion of errors reduced is large. A
large number of correct guesses suggests that the
measure of association is a nonzero number if an
association exists between the variables. Table 4
describes five commonly used bivariate measures
of association. Notice that most range from –1 to
1, with negative numbers indicating a negative
relationship and positive numbers a positive rela-
tionship. A measure of 1.0 means a 100 percent
reduction in errors, or perfect prediction.

TABLE 3 Attitude about Changing the
Drinking Age by Mean Age of Respondent


Agree 26.2 (37)
No opinion 44.5 (25)
Disagree 61.9 (39)

Missing cases  8

Proportionate reduction in error A logic in many
statistics that measures the strength of association
between two variables. A strong association reduces
most errors in predicting the dependent variable using
information from the independent variable.

TABLE 2A Age by Schooling


AGE 0–11 12 13–14 16+ TOTAL

Under 30 5% 25 30 40 100
30–45 15 25 40 20 100
46–60 35 45 12 8 100
61 + 4 5 3 5 15 5 10 0

TABLE 2B Age by Schooling


AGE 0–11 12 13–14 16+ TOTAL

61 + 4 5 % 3 5 15 5 10 0
46–60 35 45 12 8 100
30–45 15 25 40 20 100
Under 30 5 25 30 40 100

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