Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1


Statistical Control

Demonstrating an association between two vari-
ables is an important first step for understanding
the data. However, it is not sufficient for you to say
that an independent variable causes a dependent
variable. In addition to temporal order and associa-
tion, we must eliminate alternative explanations that
can make the hypothesized relationship spurious.
Experimental researchers do this by choosing a
research design that physically controls potential
alternative explanations for results (i.e., that threaten
internal validity).
In nonexperimental research, we can statisti-
cally control for alternative explanations with con-
trol variables (discussed shortly). We examine the
control variables with multivariate tables and sta-
tistics that help us decide whether a bivariate rela-
tionship might be spurious. We can also show the
relative size of the effect of multiple independent
variables on a dependent variable.
A control variableis a third (or fourth or fifth)
variable that represents an alternative explanation
for a two-variable relationship. It is a “control” in
that is adjusts for, or takes into account, the effects
of variables other than the primary independent and
dependent variable of a hypothesis. For example,

your bivariate table shows that taller teenagers like
baseball more than shorter ones do. But the bivari-
ate relationship between height and attitude toward
baseball might be spurious. Why is this; because
you suspect that teenage males are taller than
females and you suspect that males like baseball
more than females do? To test whether the rela-
tionship is actually due to height, you must control
for gender. By controlling for gender, you are sta-
tistically removing their effect. Once you do this,
you can see whether the bivariate relationship
between height and attitude toward baseball
remains or whether the association between height
and baseball attitude was really due to gender.
You can “control for” a third variable by seeing
whether the bivariate relationship persists within
categories of the control variable. For example, you
control for gender, and the relationship between
height and baseball attitude persists. This means that
tall males and tall females both like baseball more
than short males and short females do. In other
words, the control variable has no effect. When this
is so, the bivariate relationship is not spurious, and
the control variable (suspected alternative explana-
tion) has no effect.
What if the bivariate relationship weakens or
disappears after you control for gender? It means
that tall males are no more likely than short males
to like baseball, and tall females are no more likely
to like baseball than short females. It indicates that
the initial bivariate relationship is spurious and sug-
gests that the third variable (in this case gender),
not height, is the true cause of differences in atti-
tudes toward baseball.

Control variable A “third” factor that shows whether
a bivariate relationship holds up to alternative expla-
nations; can occur before or between other variables.


Greek High
Measure Symbol Type of Data Association Independence

Lambda λ Nominal 1.0 0
Gamma γ Ordinal +1.0, –1.0 0
Tau (Kendall’s) τ Ordinal +1.0, –1.0 0
Rho ρ Interval, ratio +1.0, –1.0 0
Chi-square χ^2 Nominal, ordinal Infinity 0

TABLE 4 continued

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