Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1

ideology (see Example Box 4, Example of Multiple
Regression Results).^6 The example suggests that high
income, frequent religious attendance, and a south-
ern residence are positively associated with conser-
vative opinions, whereas having more education is
associated with liberal opinions. The impact of
income is more than twice the size of the impact of
living in a southern region.
Chart 2 summarizes the types and techniques
of descriptive statistics. Next we turn our attention
to inferential statistics.


The Purpose of Inferential Statistics

The statistics discussed so far in this chapter are
descriptive statistics. But we often want to do more
than just describe; we want to test hypotheses, to

find out whether sample results hold true in a pop-
ulation, and decide whether results (e.g., between
the mean scores of two groups) are big enough to
indicate that a relationship truly exists and is not
due to chance alone. Inferential statisticsbuild
on probability theory to test hypotheses formally,
permit inferences from a sample to a population,
and test whether descriptive results are likely to
be due to random factors or to a real relationship.
This section explains the basic ideas of inferential
statistics but does not deal with inferential statis-
tics in any detail. This area is more complex than
descriptive statistics and requires a background
in statistics.
Inferential statistics rely on principles from
probability sampling by which we use a random
process (e.g., a random-number table, random com-
puter process) to select cases from the entire popu-
lation. Inferential statistics are a precise way to talk
about how confident we can be when inferring from
the results in a sample to the population.
You have already encountered inferential sta-
tistics if you have read or heard about “statistical
significance” or results “significant at the 0.05
level.” We use them to conduct various statistical
tests (e.g., a t-test or an F-test). We use statistical
significance in formal hypothesis testing, which is
a precise way to decide whether to accept or to reject
a null hypothesis.^7

Statistical Significance
The term statistically significant resultsmeans that
the results are not likely to be due to chance fac-
tors. Statistical significanceindicates the proba-
bility of finding a relationship in the sample when
there is none in the population. Because probabil-
ity samples involve a random process, it is always
possible that sample results will differ from a pop-
ulation parameter. We want to estimate the odds
that sample results are due to a true population
parameter or to chance factors of random sampling.
With some probability theory from mathematics
and specific statistical tests, we can tell whether the
results (e.g., an association, a difference between
two means, a regression coefficient) are likely to
be produced by random error in random sampling


Example of Multiple Regression Results


Independent Variable Coefficients

Region South .19
Age .01
Income .44
Years of education .23
Religious attendance .39
R^2 .38

Statistical significance The likelihood that a finding
or statistical relationship in a sample’s results is due to
random factors rather than to the existence of an actual
relationship in the entire population.

Inferential statistics A branch of applied mathe-
matics based on random sampling that allows
researchers to make precise statements about the level
of confidence they can have that measures in a sample
are the same as a population parameter.
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