Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches

(Brent) #1

or are likely to show effects actually occurring in
the social world.
Statistical significance tells us only what is
likely. It cannot prove anything with absolute cer-
tainty. It states that particular outcomes are more or
less probable. Statistical significance is not the same
as practical, substantive, or theoretical significance.
Results can be statistically significant but theoreti-
cally meaningless or trivial. For example, two vari-
ables can have a statistically significant association
due to coincidence with no logical connection
between them (e.g., length of fingernails and abil-
ity to speak French).

Levels of Significance
We usually express statistical significance in terms
of levels (e.g., a test is statistically significant at a
specific level) rather than giving the specific prob-
ability. The level of statistical significance(usu-
ally .05, .01, or .001) is an easy way of talking about
the likelihood that results are due to chance factors,
that is, that a relationship appears in the sample
when there is none in the population. When we say
that results are significant at the .05 level, we mean
the following:

Results like these are due to chance factors only
5 in 100 times.
There is a 95 percent chance that the sample
results are not due to chance factors alone but
reflect the population accurately.

The odds of such results based on chance alone
are .05, or 5 percent.
One can be 95 percent confident that the results
are due to a real relationship in the population,
not chance factors.

These all say the same thing in different ways. This
may sound a bit like the discussion of sampling dis-
tributions and the central limit theorem in the chap-
ter on sampling. It is no accident! Both are based on
probability theory, which we use to link sample data
to a population. Probability theory lets us predict
what happens in the long run over many events
when a random process is used. In other words, it
allows us to make precise predictions over many sit-
uations in the long run but not for a specific situa-
tion. Because we have just one sample and we want
to infer to the population, probability theory helps
us estimate the odds that our particular sample rep-
resents the population. We cannot know for certain
unless we have the whole population, but probabil-
ity theory lets us state our confidence: how likely it
is that the sample shows one thing while something
else is true in the population.

CHART 2 Summary of Major Types of Descriptive Statistics


Univariate Frequency distribution, Describe one variable.
measures of central tendency,
standard deviation, z-score
Bivariate Correlation, percentage table, Describe a relationship or the association between
chi-square two variables
Multivariate Elaboration paradigm, multiple Describe relationships among several variables,
regression or see how several independent variables have an
effect on a dependent variable.

Level of statistical significance A set of numbers
that researchers use as a simple way to measure the
degree to which a statistical relationship results from
random factors rather than the existence of a true rela-
tionship among variables.
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