Basic Mathematics for College Students

(Nandana) #1
Electronic Ancillaries
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(assigned by your instructor). Personal Study Plans provide diagnostic quizzing for
each chapter that identifies concepts that you still need to master, and directs you to
the appropriate review material. This online homework system is easy to use and
includes helpful links to textbook sections, video examples, and problem-specific
tutorials. For further ease of use, purchase an online multimedia eBook via

Visit us on the web for access to a wealth of learning resources, including tutorials,
final exams, chapter outlines, chapter reviews, web links, videos, flashcards, study
skills handouts, and more!


We want to express our gratitude to all those who helped with this project: Steve
Odrich, Mary Lou Wogan, Paul McCombs, Maria H. Andersen, Sheila Pisa, Laurie
McManus, Alexander Lee, Ed Kavanaugh, Karl Hunsicker, Cathy Gong, Dave Ryba,
Terry Damron, Marion Hammond, Lin Humphrey, Doug Keebaugh, Robin Carter,
Tanja Rinkel, Bob Billups, Jeff Cleveland, Jo Morrison, Sheila White, Jim McClain,
Paul Swatzel, Matt Stevenson, Carole Carney, Joyce Low, Rob Everest, David Casey,
Heddy Paek, Ralph Tippins, Mo Trad, Eagle Zhuang, and the Citrus College library
staff (including Barbara Rugeley) for their help with this project. Your
encouragement, suggestions, and insight have been invaluable to us.
We would also like to express our thanks to the Cengage Learning editorial,
marketing, production, and design staff for helping us craft this new edition: Charlie
Van Wagner, Danielle Derbenti,Gordon Lee, Rita Lombard, Greta Kleinert,
Stefanie Beeck, Jennifer Cordoba, Angela Kim, Maureen Ross, Heleny Wong,
Jennifer Risden, Vernon Boes, Diane Beasley, Carol O’Connell, and Graphic World.
Additionally, we would like to say that authoring a textbook is a tremendous
undertaking. A revision of this scale would not have been possible without the
thoughtful feedback and support from the following colleagues listed below. Their
contributions to this edition have shaped this revision in countless ways.

Alan S. Tussy
R. David Gustafson
Diane R. Koenig

Advisory Board
J. Donato Fortin,Johnson and Wales University
Geoff Hagopian,College of the Desert
Jane Wampler,Housatonic Community College
Mary Lou Wogan,Klamath Community College
Kevin Yokoyama,College of the Redwoods

Darla Aguilar,Pima Community College
Sheila Anderson,Housatonic Community College
David Behrman,Somerset Community College
Michael Branstetter,Hartnell College
Joseph A. Bruno, Jr.,Community College of Allegheny County

xx Preface

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