Basic Mathematics for College Students

(Nandana) #1

18 Chapter 1 Whole Numbers

To find the sum of three whole numbers, we add two of them and then add the
sum to the third number. In the following examples, we add in two ways. We
will use the grouping symbols ( ), called parentheses,to show this. It is standard
practice to perform the operations within the parentheses first. The steps of the
solutions are written in horizontal form.

3  4  7

The Language of Mathematics In the following example, read (3 4)  7
as “The quantityof 3 plus 4,” pause slightly, and then say “plus 7.” Read 3 
(4 7) as, “3 plus the quantityof 4 plus 7.” The word quantity alerts the reader
to the parentheses that are used as grouping symbols.

Method 1: Group 3 and 4


( 3  4 ) 7  7  7 Because of the
add 3 and 4
first to get 7.
Then add 7 and
7 to get 14.

Method 2: Group 4 and 7


3 ( 4  7 ) 3  11 Because of the
add 4 and 7
first to get 11.
Then add 3 and
11 to get 14.


Either way, the answer is 14. This example illustrates that changing the grouping when
adding numbers doesn’t affect the result. This property is called the associative
property of addition.

Success Tip In Example 3, the digits in each place value column were added
from top to bottom. To check the answer, we can instead add from bottom to top.
Adding down or adding up should give the same result. If it does not, an error
has been made and you should re-add. You will learn why the two results should
be the same in Objective 2, which follows.

To check,
to top

1 7 , 8 0 2

9 , 8 3 5

6 9 2

 7 , 2 7 5

1 7 , 8 0 2

First add
top to

2 Use properties of addition to add whole numbers.
Have you ever noticed that two whole numbers can be added in either order because
the result is the same? For example,
2  8 10 and 8  2  10
This example illustrates the commutative property of addition.

Commutative Property of Addition

The order in which whole numbers are added does not change their sum.
For example,
6  5  5  6

The Language of Mathematics Commutative is a form of the word commute,
meaning to go back and forth.Commuter trains take people to and from work.

Same result
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