political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Specify roles andresponsibilites ofthe convenor




representatives(includingalternates), andexpert advisors

Strive fortransparency

Seek unanimityon a package ofgains

Seek ratificationby constituencies
Present approvedproposal to thosewith the formalauthority andresponsiblity to act
Provide for on-going monitoringof implementaion
Provide foradapationto changingcircumstances

Specifycontingentcommitments, ifappropriate
Adhere toagreed upondecision-makingprocedures
Keep a writtenrecord of thecommittmentsmade by theparticpants

Seek expert inputinto joint fact finding
Seek to maximizejoint gains throughcollaborativeproblem solving
Use the help of aprofessional neutral
Separate inventingfrom committiingUse a single textprocedure

Prepare an issueassessment
Use the assessmentto identify appropriatestakeholderrepresentatives
Finalize commitmentsto consult or involveappropriate stakeholderrepresentativesDecide whether tocommit to a consnsusbuilding process

Set agendaand groundrules
Assessoptions forcommunicatingwith the groupsrepresentedas well as thecommunity-at-large

Set rules for theinvolvement ofobservers

Make sure those inpositions of authorityagree to the process






Fig. 13.2. Consensus building: essential steps

Source: Susskind, Mckearnan, and Thomas Lamar 1999.

arguing, bargaining, and getting agreement 287
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