Table 39.1
Four selected social experiments
Exper ment
Tested ntervent on
Des gn
Resu ts
D ssem nat on
Income ma ntenanceexper ments (1968–78)
Income supp ements for we farerec p ents w th var ed tax ratefor pa d work
Random y ass gned fam esto vary ng benef t reduct onrates n 11 s tes
Payment of ncome subs dys ght y reduced number ofhours worked
W de y pub shed n books,journa art c es, and reports
RAND hea th nsuranceexper ment (1974–82)
Var ed cost shar ng for med caserv ces
Random y ass gned fam esto d fferent cost-shar ngprograms n 6 s tes
Increases n cost shar ngreduced use of hea th serv cesw thout s gn f cant y affect nghea th status
Numerous pub cat ons,w de y d ssem nated
MDRC we fare-to-workexper ments (1975–88)
Prov ded job tra n ng and otheremp oyment serv ces to AFDCpart c pants
Random y ass gned AFDCrec p ents to var ousemp oyment programs n10 s tes
Cons stent sma pos t veeffects on part c pants’earn ngs, reduct ons n we farero s and n cost to taxpayers
W de y d ssem nated dur ngwe fare debates
Nurs ng home ncent vere mbursementexper ment (1980–3)
Prov ded re mbursement ncent vesfor nurs ng homes accept ngMed ca d pat ents
Random y ass gned 36nurs ng homes to part c paten ntervent on program orcontro group
L tt e effect of re mbursementon hea th outcomes ord scharge of Med ca d pat ents.S ght y ncreased adm ss onsof heavy care pat ents
Not w de y d ssem nated
social experimentation for public policy 811