Hood, Christopher 4 , 20 , 211 , 219 , 322 , 342 ,
351 , 452 , 454 , 459 , 471 , 473 , 474 , 476 , 478 ,
483 , 651 , 652 , 653 , 655 , 657 , 658
Horioka, C 599
Horkheimer, Max 192
Horn, M 661
Houghton, J T 721
Hounshell, David A 351 n 18
House of Representatives Armed Services
Committee (HASC) 794 , 795 , 801
Howard, Christopher 504
Howard, Michael 153
Howarth, D 261
Howell, J C 177
Howell, W G 814 , 816 , 820
Huang, J C 740
Hubbert, M K 886 , 887
Huber, E 567
Huber, John D 219
Hudson, Joe 177
Hudson, V M 573
Hueth, D L 730
Hughes, A M 836 n 9
Hughes, J R 886
Huitt, R K 545 n 1
Hummel, R P 440 n 12 , 441
Hunter, D 906
Huntington, S 14 , 344 , 627 , 691 , 696
Hurley, S L 113 n 7
Hussein, Saddam 903 , 904
Hyde, J 514
Immergut, E M 561 , 567
Immervoll, H 301
IngleWnger, F J 834 n 4
Inglehart, Ronald 345 , 577
Ingram, Helen 169 , 171 , 178 , 179 , 182 , 183 , 470
Innes, Judith E 198 , 682
Isaac Henry, K 433
Isaacs, W 270 , 271
Jackson, A 159
Jacobs, A 906
Jacobs, J 639
Jacoby, Henry 67
James, E 489
James, O 368 n 2 , 374 n 9
Janiewski, D 859 , 871 n 3
Janis, I 382 n 27
Ja ̈ntti, M 306
JasanoV,S 416 , 849
Jay, Anthony 160 , 806
JeVerson, Thomas 500
Jencks, Christopher 110 , 310
Jenkins, Bill 219
Jenkins, K 159
Jenkins Smith, H C 24 , 255 , 256 , 265 , 350 , 351 ,
373 ,436 7, 438
Jensen, Larry Cyril 83 n 1
Jensen, Rolf 130
Jervis, Robert 98 , 338 , 342 , 352 , 359 , 777
Jessop, Bob 439
Jesuit, D 301 , 303 , 304
Joerges, C 696 , 697
Johannesson, M 760
Johansson, L 313
Johnson, Bart R 175
Johnson, D M 740
Johnson, Lyndon B 43 , 44 , 64 , 557
Johnson, M 582
Johnston, A I 576 n 5
Johnston, R 583
Joint Chiefs of StaV 793
Joint Committee on Taxation of the US
Congress 504
Jones, Bryan D 174 , 337 n 2 , 341 n 4 ,345 6,
348 n 12 , 641 , 642 n 14 , 904
Jonsen, Albert 117 n 11
Jordan, A Grant 209 , 217 , 223 , 429
Jordan, G 426 , 427 n 1
Josselin, D 434 n 9
Jouvenel, Bernard de 91
Jowell, R 674
Judd, Charles M 132
Judge, David 217 , 439
Jupille, J 703 n 5
Jurik, Nancy 181
Just, R E 730
Kagan, Robert A342 3,659 60
Kahn, Alfred E 237
Kahn, Herman 779 , 796
Kahneman, D 256 , 283 , 390 n 2 , 633 , 760
Kalders, P R 440
922 name index