interjurisdictional learning 351
internal markets 14
International Convention on the Regulation
of Whaling 848
international law 246
International Monetary Fund 27 , 537
international society, and creation of
institutional arrangements847 8
agenda formation 849
decision processes 850
implementation850 1
interpretation 852
policy products848 9
problem of interplay854 5
problem of scale853 4
relevant knowledge849 50
sources of compliance851 2
International Standard Organization
(ISO) 657
international trade:
and diminished democracy thesis 244
and regional integration594 5,596 7
International Tribunal on the Law of the
Sea 852
Internet, and impact of 178 ,473 4
interorganizational analysis, and policy
networks428 9
interplay, and policy processes854 5
interpretation, and policy processes 852
interpretative turn 437
interpretive policy analysis 194
interpretive schemata253 4
see alsoframes/framing
Interstate Commerce Act (USA, 1887 ) 236
Interstate Commerce Commission
(USA) 236 , 237 , 659
interviews, and critical listening:
and conducting successful:
avoiding rush to interpretation 144
awareness of context144 5
drawing out details 144
drawing out positive suggestions146 7
emotional responsiveness 143
humor 147
looking beyond words142 3
physical activity 148
political sensitivity 145
practical rationality 148
pre brief and de brief 148
taking small steps 146
use of ceremony and ritual 142
and ethics of 149
in everyday practice:
emotional responsiveness 129
encouraging involvement130 1
recognition of the other128 9
regard for the other127 8
relationship building129 30
and informal approach to124 5
and learning 125 , 131
and learning about interviewer’s inXuence:
discovery136 7
emotional responsiveness 135
humility136 7
relationship building135 6
and learning about relationships:
co invention134 5
distrust 134
priorities 134
recognition needs133 4
and learning about the other:
identity132 3
information 132
localknowledge 133
preferences 132
values 132
and obstacles to successful:
fear of loss of control 141
fearful interviewees 138
impatience140 1
lack of sensitivity 140
non verbal signals 137
posturing141 2
presumptions139 40
theoretical frameworks 139
use of language137 8
and planners 124 ,125 6
need to understand 126
and role in public policy work 124 ,
149 50
intrinsic value problem761 5, 767
and ordinal incomparability763 4
and value of human beings762 3
see alsoeconomic valuation
subject index 957