political science

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

and ad hoc nature of 377
and advocacy coalitions373 4
and agency380 1
and benchmarking 381
and cognition382 3
and collaborative nature of377 9
communities of practice 378
friends378 9
interaction380 1
networks of practice 378
and collective learning 411
and communication378 9, 383
and comparison384 5
and constraints 245
and convergence 369
and deWnitional diYculties 367
and diVusion369 71
and factors shaping 373
and government 368 ,371 2
and implementation 367 , 377 ,
382 3
and interaction 411
and models of
mechanistic 379
organic 379
tensions between379 80
and path dependency 382
and political learning 372
in practice376 9
lesson drawing 376
and pragmatism383 4
and processes of 367
andpublic policy367 8
as collective puzzling372 3
and social learning372 3,374 5
paradigm shifts 375
and systems theory 383
and trial and error learning
interjurisdictional learning 351
system wide learning350 1
and uncertainty 382
see alsocritical listening, and learning
least feasible risk criterion238 40
least restrictive means principle 247
legal studies, and critical theory 192
legislation, and drafting of219 20
and appropriateness 692

and political systems894 5
and public private interaction 507
and regulatory regimes661 3
accountability 662
credible commitment 661
instrumentalism662 3
tensions around 662
and social experimentation 815
lesson drawing, and learning 376
liberal welfare regimes 611 , 862 , 871
and poverty alleviation616 17
life, and utility of757 8
quality adjusted life year (QALY)758 61
linguistic turn, and policy analysis193 4
‘Listening to the City’ (New York)678 80
and evolution of common law 358
and hard bargaining 269
localgovernment, and United Kingdom 12
local knowledge, and critical listening 133
localism, and decision making 10
‘lock in’, and path dependency348 9
long term policy analysis (LTPA)353 4
Lower Manhattan Development
Corporation678 80
Luxembourg Income Study 301
Lyndon B Johnson School of Public
AVairs 64

MacPherson Report (UK, 1999 ) 222
macroeconomic policy, and ‘impossible
trinity’ of policy choices537 8
Malaysia, and Asian crisis ( 1998 ) 539
malleability, and policy research
methodology835 8
changing public attitudes836 7
deWnition of 835
degrees of837 8
importance of 835
political feasibility835 6
management based regulation, and
collaborative governance511 12
managerialism, and civil service
(UK)158 60
Manhattan Institute 866
Manpower Development Research
Corporation (MDRC) 810 , 816 , 818 ,

subject index 959
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