Learning Python Network Programming

(Sean Pound) #1

APIs in Action

This creates the bucket in the default standard US region. We can supply a different
region, as shown here:

from boto.s3.connection import Location

conn.create_bucket('mybucket.example.com', location=Location.EU)

The region names we need to use for this function are different to the ones we used
when creating buckets earlier. To see a list of acceptable region names do this:

[x for x in dir(Location) if x.isalnum()]

['APNortheast', 'APSoutheast', 'APSoutheast2', 'CNNorth1', 'DEFAULT',
'EU', 'SAEast', 'USWest', 'USWest2']

Do the following to display a list of the buckets we own:

buckets = conn.get_all_buckets()

[b.name for b in buckets]

['mybucket.example.com', 'mybucket2.example.com']

We can also list the contents of a bucket. To do so, first, we need to get a reference
to it:

bucket = conn.get_bucket('mybucket.example.com')

And then to list the contents:

[k.name for k in bucket.list()]

['cheesehop.txt', 'parrot.txt']

Uploading a file is a straightforward process. First, we need to get a reference to the
bucket that we want to put it in, and then we need to create a Key object, which will
represent our object in the bucket:

bucket = conn.get_bucket('mybucket.example.com')

from boto.s3.key import Key

key = Key(bucket)

Next, we have to set the Key name and then upload our file data:

key.key = 'lumberjack_song.txt'


The boto package will automatically set the Content-Type when it uploads a
file like this, and it uses the same mimetypes module that we used earlier for
determining a type.

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