Learning Python Network Programming

(Sean Pound) #1
Chapter 8

You can see that we've just imported an extra module and modified our main loop
to run our handle_client() function in separate threads, rather than running it in
the main thread. For each client that connects, we create a new thread that just runs
the handle_client() function. When the thread blocks on a receive or send, the OS
checks the other threads to see if they have come out of a blocking state, and if any
have, then it switches to one of them.

Notice that we have set the daemon argument in the thread constructor call to True.
This will allow the program to exit if we hit ctrl - c without us having to explicitly
close all of our threads first.

If you try this echo server with multiple clients, then you'll see that a second client
that connects and sends a message will immediately get a response.

Designing a chat server

We've got a working echo server and it can handle multiple clients simultaneously,
so we're pretty close to having a functional chat client. However, our server needs
to broadcast the messages it receives to all the connected clients. Sounds simple, but
there are two problems that we need to overcome to make this happen.

First, our protocol needs an overhaul. If we think about what needs to happen from a
client's point of view, then we can no longer rely on the simple work flow:

client connect > client send > server send > client disconnect.

Clients can now potentially receive messages at any time, and not just when they
send a message to the server themselves.

Second, we need to modify our server to send messages to all of the connected
clients. As we are using multiple threads to handle our clients, this means that we
need to set up communication between the threads. With this, we're dipping our
toe into the world of concurrent programming, and it should be approached with
care and forethought. While the shared state of threads is useful, it is also deceptive
in its simplicity. Having multiple threads of control asynchronously accessing and
changing the same resources is a perfect breeding ground for race conditions and
subtle deadlock bugs. While a full discussion on concurrent programming is well
beyond the scope of this text, we'll cover some simple principles, which can help
preserve your sanity.

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