Learning Python Network Programming

(Sean Pound) #1

Client and Server Applications

More on frameworks

I've broken from our usual procedural form and used an object-oriented approach
in the last example for two reasons. First, although it is possible to write a purely
procedural style server with asyncio, it requires a deeper understanding of co-
routines than what we were able to provide here. If you're curious, then you can
go through an example co-routine style echo server, which is in the asyncio
documentation at https://docs.python.org/3/library/asyncio-stream.

The second reason is that this kind of class-based approach is generally a more
manageable model to follow in a full system.

There is in fact a new module called selectors in Python 3.4, which provides an
API for quickly building an object-oriented server based on the IO primitives in the
select module (including poll). The documentation and an example can be seen at

There are other third-party event-driven frameworks available, popular ones are
Tornado (www.tornadoweb.org) and circuits (https://github.com/circuits/
circuits). Both are worth investigating for comparison, if you intend to choose a
framework for a project.

Moreover, no discussion of Python asynchronous I/O would be complete without a
mention of the Twisted framework. Until Python 3, this has been the go to solution
for any serious asynchronous I/O work. It is an event-driven engine, with support
for a large number of network protocols, good performance, and a large and active
community. Unfortunately, it hasn't finished the jump to Python 3 yet (a view of the
migration progress can be seen at https://rawgit.com/mythmon/twisted-py3-
graph/master/index.html). Since we're focused squarely on Python 3 in this book,
we decided to not include a detailed treatment of it. However, once it does get there,
Python 3 will have another very powerful asynchronous framework, which will be
well worth investigating for your projects.

Taking our servers forward

There are a number of things that we can do to improve our servers. For
multithreaded systems, it's common to have a mechanism for capping the number
of threads in use at any one time. This can be done by keeping a count of the active
threads and immediately closing any new incoming connections from clients while
it's above a threshold.

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