Learning Python Network Programming

(Sean Pound) #1
Chapter 9
docstrings = {name.lower(): obj.__doc__ for name, obj in objs if
name[0].islower() and hasattr(obj, '__name__')}

def index():
link_template = '<a href="/functions/{}">{}</a></br>'
links = []
for func in sorted(docstrings):
link = link_template.format(func, func)
links_output = '\n'.join(links)
return '<h1>Python builtins docstrings</h1>\n' + links_output

def show_docstring(func_name):
func_name = func_name.lower()
if func_name in docstrings:
output = '<h1>{}</h1>\n'.format(func_name)
output += '<pre>{}</pre>'.format(docstrings[func_name])
return output

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code can be found in this book's source code download for this chapter within
the 1-init folder.

Flask includes a development web server, so to try out our application all we need to
do is run the following command:

$ python3.4 tinyflaskapp.py

We can see that the Flask server tells us the IP address and port it's listening
on. Connect to the URL it displays (in the preceding example this is now in a web browser, and you should see a
page with a list of Python built-in functions. Clicking on one should display
a page showing the function name and its docstring.

If you want to run the server on another interface or port, you can change the
app.run() call, for example, to app.run(host='', port=5001).

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