Programming in C
40 Chapter 4 Variables, Data Types, and Arithmetic Expressions Exercises Type in and run the five programs presented in this ch ...
Exercises 41 Write a program that evaluates the following expression and displays the results (remember to use exponential form ...
5Program Looping 5 Program Looping IFYOU ARRANGE 15 DOTSin the shape of a triangle, you end up with an arrangement that might lo ...
44 Chapter 5 Program Looping int main (void) { int triangularNumber; triangularNumber = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8; printf (" ...
The forStatement 45 for ( n = 1; n <= 200; n = n + 1 ) triangularNumber = triangularNumber + n; printf ("The 200th triangular ...
46 Chapter 5 Program Looping Relational Operators Ta b le 5.1 lists all the relational operators that are available in C. Ta ble ...
The forStatement 47 When the loop_conditionis no longer satisfied, execution of the program continues with the program statement ...
48 Chapter 5 Program Looping printf ("TABLE OF TRIANGULAR NUMBERS\n\n"); printf (" n Sum from 1 to n\n"); printf ("--- --------- ...
The forStatement 49 constitutes the body of the program loop. But what happens if you want to repetitively execute not just a si ...
50 Chapter 5 Program Looping Because addition by 1 is such a common operation in programs, a special operator was created solely ...
The forStatement 51 The primary change made to the printfstatement was the inclusion of a field width specification.The characte ...
52 Chapter 5 Program Looping printf ("Triangular number %i is %i\n", number, triangularNumber); return 0; } In Program 5.4 Outpu ...
The forStatement 53 Nested forLoops Program 5.4 gives the user the flexibility to have the program calculate any triangular numb ...
54 Chapter 5 Program Looping What triangular number do you want? 75 Triangular number 75 is 2850 What triangular number do you w ...
The forStatement 55 Multiple Expressions You can include multiple expressions in any of the fields of the forloop, provided that ...
56 Chapter 5 Program Looping The variable counteris only known throughout the execution of the forloop (it’s called a localvaria ...
The whileStatement 57 Program 5.6 Output 1 2 3 4 5 The program initially sets the value of countto 1 .Execution of the whileloop ...
58 Chapter 5 Program Looping There is a procedure or algorithmthat can be followed to arrive at the gcdof two arbi- trary intege ...
The whileStatement 59 Program 5.7 Output Please type in two nonnegative integers. 150 35 Their greatest common divisor is 5 Prog ...
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