Programming in C

(Barry) #1

192 Chapter 9 Working with Structures

days between July 2, 2005, and July 16, 2005, is obviously 14. But how many days
are there between August 8, 2004, and February 22, 2005? This calculation requires
a bit more thought.
Luckily, a formula can be used to calculate the number of days between two dates.
This is affected by computing the value of Nfor each of the two dates and then
taking the difference, where Nis calculated as follows:
N = 1461 x f(year, month) / 4 + 153 x g(month) / 5 + day

f(year, month) = year - 1 if month <= 2
year otherwise

g(month) = month + 13 if month <= 2
month + 1 otherwise

As an example of applying the formula, to calculate the number of days between
August 8, 2004, and February 22, 2005, you can calculate the values of N 1 and N 2
by substituting the appropriate values into the preceding formula as shown:
N 1 = 1461 x f(2004, 8) / 4 + 153 x g(8) / 5 + 3
= (1461 x 2004) / 4 + (153 x 9) / 5 + 3
= 2,927,844 / 4 + 1,377 / 5 + 3
= 731,961 + 275 + 3
= 732,239

N 2 = 1461 x f(2005, 2) / 4 + 153 x g(2) / 5 + 21
= (1461 x 2004) / 4 + (153 x 15) / 5 + 21
= 2,927,844 / 4 + 2295 / 5 + 21
= 731,961 + 459 + 21
= 732,441

Number of elapsed days = N 2 - N 1
= 732,441 – 732,239
= 202
So the number of days between the two dates is shown to be 202.The preceding
formula is applicable for any dates after March 1, 1900 (1 must be added to Nfor
dates from March 1, 1800, to February 28, 1900, and 2 must be added for dates
between March 1, 1700, and February 28, 1800).
Write a program that permits the user to type in two dates and then calculates the
number of elapsed days between the two dates.Try to structure the program logi-
cally into separate functions. For example, you should have a function that accepts
as an argument a datestructure and returns the value of Ncomputed as shown
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