Programming in C

(Barry) #1
Formatted I/O: printfand scanf 349

Ta b le 16.1 printfFlags

Flag Meaning

  • Left-justify value

  • Precede value with +or -
    (space) Precede positive value with space character
    0 Zero fill numbers

    Precede octal value with 0 , hexadecimal value with 0x(or 0X); display decimal

    point for floats; leave trailing zeroes for gor Gformat

Ta b le 16.2 printfWidth and Precision Modifiers

Specifier Meaning
number Minimum size of field
* Ta ke next argument to printfas size of field
.number Minimum number of digits to display for integers; number of decimal
places for eor fformats; maximum number of significant digits to display
for g; maximum number of characters for sformat
.* Ta ke next argument to printfas precision (and interpret as indicated in
preceding row)

Ta b le 16.3 printfType Modifiers

Type Meaning
hh Display integer argument as a character
h* Display short integer
l* Display long integer
ll* Display long long integer
L Display long double
j* Display intmax_tor uintmax_tvalue
t* Display ptrdiff_tvalue
z* Display size_tvalue

*Note:These modifiers can also be placed in front of the nconversion character to

indicate the corresponding pointer argument is of the specified type.
Ta b le 16.4 lists the conversion characters that can be specified in the format string.

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