Programming in C

(Barry) #1
426 Appendix A C Language Summary

must be a letter, underscore, or a universal character name.The first 31 characters of an
identifier are guaranteed to be significant in an external name, and the first 63 characters
are guaranteed to be significant for an internal identifier or macro name.

1.2.1 Universal Character Names
A universal character name is formed by the characters \ufollowed by four hexadecimal
numbers or the characters \U followed by eight hexadecimal numbers. If the first char-
acter of an identifier is specified by a universal character, its value cannot be that of a
digit character. Universal characters, when used in identifier names can also not specify a
character whose value is less than A0 16 (other than 24 16 ,40 16 , or 60 16 ) or a character in
the range D800 16 through DFFF 16 ,inclusive.
Universal character names can be used in identifier names, character constants, and
character strings.

1.2.2 Keywords
The identifiers listed in Table A.2 are keywords that have a special meaning to the C

Ta ble A.2 Keywords
_Bool default if sizeof while
_Complex do inline static
_Imaginary double int struct
auto else long switch
break enum register typedef
case extern restrict union
char float return unsigned
const for short void
continue goto signed volatile


You can insert comments into a program in two ways. A comment can begin with the
two characters //.Any characters that follow on the line are ignored by the compiler.
A comment can also begin with the two characters /*and end when the characters
*/are encountered. Any characters can be included inside the comment, which can
extend over multiple lines of the program. A comment can be used anywhere in the pro-
gram where a blank space is allowed. Comments, however, cannot be nested, which
means that the first */characters encountered end the comment, no matter how many
/*characters you use.

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