How to Study

(Michael S) #1

Whatever his or her directions, follow them to the letter. Some high
school teachers may forgive you your trespasses, but I have known
college professors who simply refused to accept a paper that was not
prepared as they instructed—and gave the poor student an F for it
(without even readingit).

At some point, you’ll undoubtedly run into a teacher or professor
who gives few or no instructions at all. You ask, “How long should
the paper be?” She says, “As long as it takes.” Use your common
sense. If you’re in middle or high school, I doubt she is seeking a
50-page thesis. Likewise, if you’re in college, it’s unlikely your pro -
fessor thinks a three-page paper is “As long as it takes.” Use previous
assignments as a guide.

If you are unsure of a specific requirement or if the suggested area
of topics is unclear, it is yourresponsibility to talk to your teacher
and clarify whatever points are confusing you.

It is not a bad idea to choose two or three topics you’d like to write
about and seek preliminary approval, especially if the assignment
seems particularly vague.

So Then My Dog Chewed the Paper...

There is certainly no reason, short of catastrophic illness or life-
threatening emergency, for you to everbe late with an assignment.
Again, some teachers will refuse to accept a paper that is late. At
best, they will mark you down for your lateness, perhaps turning
an A into a B...or worse. In the case of extenuating circumstances
(e.g., extended illness, death in the family, and so on), let your teacher
know immediately and arrange for an extension.

Chapter 7 ■How to Write Terrific Papers 135
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