paraphrasing questions on, 203
reviewing, 207
running out of time on, 207–208
starting, 204
taking, 202–207
explain, using in essays, 205
Exploring Feng Shuiexample,
extrinsic motivation, 21–22
facts, checking in research papers,
fiction elements
characterization, 60
plot, 60
point of view, 60
reading, 60
setting, 60
theme, 60
understanding, 61
explained, 47
including in papers, 159–160
foreign language texts, reading, 59
forgetting, reasons for, 70–71
freewriting, using with research
papers, 158
Fry paper-writing system, 137–138
Gibaldi, Joseph, 146
Gide, Andre, 60
glossary, explained, 47
GMAT (Graduate Management
Admissions Test), 211
goal pyramid, constructing, 22–24
goal-setting, 87–88
government publications, using for
research, 126
“Grade A” approach, following,
graphics, examining, 51
GRE (Graduate Record Exam), 211
reinforcing good, 89
replacing bad with good, 16–17
Hacker, Diana, 146
hands-on classes, primary
emphases, 103
headings, rephrasing as questions,
Hernandez, Michele, 211
homework assignments
doing and turning in, 108
including on calendar, 84
How? question, answering, 54
illustrate, using in essays, 205
illustrations, examining, 51
index cards
adding detail to, 149–150
creating for research papers, 149
organizing, 151–154
reviewing, 154
using for bibliographies, 144–147
using for oral reports, 168–169
using to write first drafts, 155–156
information, receiving, 29
instructional verbs, using in
essays, 205–206
instructions, reading, 19
adapting to styles of, 106–107
compiling “profiles” of, 20
considering reputations of, 43
following instructions of, 19
knowing, 104–106
response to presentation, 20
understanding goals of, 105–106
Internet, using for research, 126.
See alsoonline research
interpret, using in essays, 205
interruptions, managing, 91–92
intrinsic motivation, 21–22
Index 221