Test #2:Below are 12 nonsense words from a language I just made
up and their “definitions.” Study the list for 60 seconds and try to
remember each word, how it’s spelled, and its definition:
Berilly excited Narouf bedpan
Simpoc to cry Mccusker to dream
Delmak old man Yerbtry salt
Triddle to wade Armulla coffee cup
Gazdon lion Frabje to skip
Cognit spine Eklek lunch
Done? Close the book and write down each of the 12 words and its
definition. They do not need to be in the order in which they were
Score:If you accurately listed nine or more words and definitions
(and that includes spelling my new words correctly), give yourself
an A. If you listed from five to eight words and their definitions, or
correctly listed and spelled nine or more words but mixed up their
definitions, give yourself a B. If you were unable to remember at least
four words and their definitions, give yourself a C.
Time Management
Your effective use of available study time can be measured by two
yardsticks: (1) your ability to break down assignments into compo-
nent parts (e.g., reading, note taking, outlining, writing); and (2) your
ability to complete each task in an efficient manner.
Score: If you feel you use your time wisely and efficiently, give
yourself an A. If you know there aretimes you simply run out of time,
give yourself a B. If you can’t tell time, give yourself a C.
8 How to Study