Chapter 2 ■ How to Organize Your Studying 29
How I study best:
8.❏ Alone ❏ With a friend ❏ In a group
9.❏ Under time pressure
❏ Before I know I have to
10.❏ With music ❏ In front of the TV
❏ In a quiet room
- ❏ Organizing an entire night’s studying before I start
❏ Tackling and completing one subject at a time
I need to take a break:
12.❏ Every 30 minutes or so ❏ Every hour
❏ Every 2 hours ❏ Every ____ hours
Many of the items on this chart should be understandable to you now.
Whyyou feel the need for a particular environment is not important.
Knowing you have a preference is. Here’s what you’re trying to assess
in each item of the checklist:
1.If you prefer “listening” to “seeing,” you’ll have little problem
getting the information you need from class lectures and
discussions. In fact, you’ll preferthem to studying your text-
books. (You may have to concentrate on your reading skills
and spend more time with your textbooks to offset this
tendency. Highlighting your texts may help.)
If you’re more of a “visual” person, you’ll probably find it easier
reading your textbook and may have to work to improve your
classroom concentration. Taking excellent class notes that
you can read later will probably be important for you. You’ll
also want to adapt your note-taking methods to your visual
preference: Rather than writing notes like everybody else,
draw pictures, use charts, and learn how to “map” a lecture.