How to Study

(Michael S) #1

Just as you (hopefully) sit right down and go to work when you enter
a classroom (presuming the teacher is in the room!), your attitude and
attention will be automatic if you associate your study area solely with
homework, not sleeping, eating, or entertaining yourself. And that
will make the time you spend more effective and efficient.

When Should You Study?

As much as possible, create a routine time of day for your studying.
Some experts contend that doing the same thing at the same time
every day is the most effective way to organize any ongoing task.
Some students find it easier to set aside specific blocks of time during
the day, each day, in which they plan on studying.

No matter who you are, the time of day you’ll study is determined by
these factors:

■ Study when you’re at your best. What is your peak per-
formance period—the time of day you do your best work?
This period varies from person to person—you may be dead
to the world until noon but able to study well into the night,
or up and alert at the crack of dawn but distracted and tired
if you try to burn the midnight oil. Just remember, focus =
■ Consider your sleep habits. Habit is a very powerful influ-
ence. If you always set your alarm for 7 a.m., you may soon
start waking up just before the alarm goes off. If you have
grown accustomed to going to sleep around 11 p.m., you
will undoubtedly become quite tired if you try to study until
2 a.m., and probably accomplish very little during those three
extra hours.
■ Study when you can. Although you want to sit down to
study when you are mentally most alert, external factors also
play a role in deciding when you study. Being at your best is
a great goal, but is not always possible. Study whenever
circumstances allow.

36 How to Study
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