- Why? A paragraph that states reasons for some belief or hap-
pening usually addresses this question. The topic sentence
answers whysomething is true or whyan event happened. - How? The paragraph identifies the way something works or
the means by which something is done. The topic sentence
explains the howof what is described.
Do not go on to the next chapter or section until you’ve completed
the following exercise:
1.Write definitions of any key terms you feel are essential to
understanding the topic.
2.Write questions and answers you feel clarify the topic.
3.Write any questions for which you don’thave answers—then
make sure you find them through rereading, further research,
or asking another student or your teacher.
4.Even if you still have unanswered questions, move on to the
next section and complete numbers one to three for that sec-
tion. (And so on, until your reading assignment is complete.)
The Challenge of Technical Texts
What about the unique challenges posed by highly technical texts—
physics, trigonometry, chemistry, calculus— you know, subjects that
three-fourths of all students avoid like the plague? These subjects
demand a logical, organized approach and a step-by-step reading
method. And they require a detection of the text’s organizational
Developing the skill to identify the basic sequence of the text will
enable you to follow the progression of thought, a progression that
is vital to your comprehension and retention.
54 How to Study