(Aboveright)âThis image was actually taken because I wantedto test out a newTokina lens thatI'd just bought. Sivec inSlovakia is only around 30 minutes from my home and itsoneof my favourite places so I decided to visitat sunset. Theview in the distance was spoiled slightly by haze, but I waspleased with theresults, andI'm still using this lens today.âNikonD7100withTokinaAT-X11 -16mmf/2.8PROlens.Exposure:1/350secatf/8(ISO100).SivecbyĽuboÅ¡Capcara(Belowright)âIt was my first time visiting the Dolomites in Italy,and just afew hoursafter arriving the weather turned bad.On the last morningof our stay the clouds scattered and thelight burst through. It only lastedfor two hours but it waslong enough to satisfy my needs. This is a panoramaofseveral exposure bracket shots stitched together.âNikonD7100withTokina11-16mmf/2.8lens.Exposure:Multipleexposuresatf/9(ISO100).Dolomit ibyĽuboÅ¡Capcara(Above)âTwo years ago my father bought a cabin in Dedinky,Slovakia â the landscapeoffe red wonderful opportunities,especially during winter and autumn. This image consistsoftwo exposures â onefor the sky and onefor land. I visitedwith the first snow to get a clean terrain and then waitedforthe train. The beautiful light was just a matterof luck.âNikonD7100withAF-S16-85mmf/3.5-5.6GEDVRlens.Exposure:1/500secatf/8(ISO500).DedinkybyĽuboÅ¡Capcara500px.com/luboscapcara(Left)âThis image was also takenat the same surf spot as theshot on the previous page, Cloud 9 in Siargao. This surfer isdiving under an incoming wave whilst swimming out â I justso happened to be right underneath him as he did! This wastaken during the golden hour so the warm light is breakingthrough the surfaceof the water and creating magic.âNikonD7100withAF-S17-55mmf/2.8lens.Exposure:1/500secatf/8(ISO160).MovingToward theLightbyKalleLundholmhttp://www.kallelundholm.comNove mber2016Digital slr Photography 11Portfolio
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)