Digital SLR Photography

(Jacob Rumans) #1

TheLumix GX-80 is averyimpressivecamera at an extremelyattractive price. Ifyou'relookingforfeatures, thenyou'llfeel you've got fullvalueformoney. Image and video quality isvery hightoo.Unfortunately, theoverly-complicated natureoftheLCD icons and function buttonsreally dampenthe enthusiasmof using thecamera, and I hopefuture models address this issue.VERDICTBuild qualityFeaturesPerformanceValueOverallNove mber2016Digital SLR Photography 117range. And while there is the general ruleofbigger sensors giving better images, I haveto say you'd struggle to tell whether GX-80images were from a Four-Thirds sensor orthe larger APS-C. Noise is well controlledtoo, and images up to ISO 1600 are morethan good enoughfor large prints, withhigher ISO speeds delivering shots that aremore than suitablefor web use or smallerprints. I was also impressed by how well thebody-integral stabilisation performed.The 3inLCD provides a bright and clearimage and the tilting screen proved usefulwhen shootingat low angles –I'm notconcerned that it can't berotated left orright. For those who aren'tkeen oncomposing images via theLCD, you'llfi ndthe electronic viewfinder to be excellent.The screen is sharp, clear and providesahigh levelof exposure info. Otherfeaturesofnote include Wi-Fi, an integralfl ash, Raw,panoramic mode and a time-lapse facility.Above:TheLumixGX-80'scompactformfactormakesitagoodchoicefortravelphotography.Left:The3intiltingLCDscreenmakesiteasytoshootfromloworjauntyangles.Accessories\GearExposure:1/250sec atf/13 (ISO 200)### THE WEEK BEFOREsending this issue toprint, a box landedon my desk,courtesyofEDDYCAM. Asidefrom the rich waftof elk-leather thatgreeted me as Iopened the box, Iwas initially impressedby thefeel and qualityof theproducts that arrived. WhileI'm goingto give the 60mmFashion neck strap athorough test, I wanted to briefly sharemy opinion on the smaller SLiNG wriststrap, nowI've had a chance to use it.EDDYCAM's straps are handmade inGermany, and in case you werewondering what Finnish elk-skinfeelslike; imagine the softest material youcan – it's slightly softer than that. Theleather is hard-wearing and durable,andresists extreme heat, cold andhumidity. Don't worry – it's sourcedethically and under strict guidelines too.Available in five colour combinations (Ihave the nature/nature one), the SLiNGstrapattachesat one point via a simpleloop through your camera's shoulderlug. With tough polypropylene webbingand cowhide leather ends it's rated towork with cameras up to 3kg.The SLiNG is a generous size,allowingfor the largestof hands to slipthrough, while not loose enough sothat it could easily slipoff. It allowsfor agood grip, without dangling in the waywhen being used on a tripod, as canhappen with a full neck strap.The EDDYCAM SLiNG is a luxuryproduct, and this isreflected in theprice.At £90-120, depending oncolourway, it's more than most arewilling to spend on a strap, but if youwant the ultimate in comfort andfeelthen you won'tregret the purchase.``````Price:£``````Test:JORDAN BUTTERS``````Premiumwrist strap/High qualityelk-skin/Handmade in GermanyOverallVERDICTQuite expensive, but sovery wellmade. Ifyou can justify the initialoutlay you'll havea great-looking,incredibly comfortable andwell-made wrist strap that will morethan likely outlastyourcamera!EDDYCAMSL iNG

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