Digital SLR Photography

(Jacob Rumans) #1

DaVinci Resolve 11 now adds professional nonlinear editingto the world’s most powerful color grading system!``````Native CameraRAWDaVinciResolve works natively with allmajor RAWformats!Featuringthe industry’smostadvancedde-bayer algorithms,Resolve preserves every detail capturedbythe camera’s sensor. Thatmeansyou can adjust exposure, shadows,highlights and mid-tones longafter the camera stops rolling!WithResolve, you can create looks thatsimplyaren’t possible onothersystems. The native RAWworkflowmeansyourfinalmasters areliterally firstgeneration rendersfromcamera originalfiles!``````Scalable PowerHollywood’sleadingstudios choose DaVinciResolve becauseit handles incrediblyhighresolutionimages and massive amountsofdata easilyonsupertight deadlines.Resolve is scalable andworks onlaptop’suptomassive multi GPUsystemsconnectedtoshared storage.Whetheryou’reworking onHD, 4Korbeyond, DaVinciResolvehas the power, performance and creative toolsyou needtogetthe job done!``````Integrated Editing and GradingDaVinciResolve 11gives you professionaleditingand colorcorrectionall inone systemsoyou canmovebetween editing and gradingwith aclickofthe mouse!Nomoreimporting,exporting,orconformingever again!Teams can havemultiple coloristsand assistantsworkingwith aneditor onthe same sequence atthe sametime!You get atruenonlinearworkflowthatletsyou edit, gradeand finish fasterthaneverbefore!Professional NonlinearEditingDaVinciResolve’s multi tracktimelineletsyouquickly ripple,roll, slip, slide, extendand shortenedits.The context sensitive trimtoolchanges automatically basedonthe positionofthe mouse tomakeediting faster! Dynamic JKLtrimming works onmultiple tracks and can bedone inthe samedirection or asymmetrically. Whetheryou use the mouse orkeyboard,Resolve iseasytolearn and has allofthe toolsprofessionaleditors need!resolution images and massive amounts of data easily on super RESOLVE 11 LITEFree download with unlimited nodes.Supports 1 GPU.Free Download``````DAVINCI RESOLVE 11 SOFTWAREFull Resolve with unlimited nodes and multipl e GPUs.Use 3rd party control panels.£ 665 *``````DAVINCI RESOLVE 11Full Resolve with colorist control surfacefor the most advanced facilities.£19,975*``````DaVinciResolve 11combines the world’s mostadvancedcolorcorrector with professional multi trackediting so nowyou can edit, colorcorrect, fi nishand deliver allfrom one system!Withits legendary image quality,real-time GPUacceleratedperformance,and supportformore widedynamic rangeRAW formats than any othersystem,DaVinciResolvehas the creative toolsprofessionaleditors and coloristsneedtoworkonHollywood’smostdemandingprojects!``````*SRP is Exclusi ve of VAT

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