ForyourchancetowinthisfantasticLastoliteByManfrottobundle,answerthissimplequestion:WhatisthesizeoftheLastolit eByManfrottoperspectivebackground s?A)1x1mB)1x1.5mC)1.2x1.5mD)1.5x2.1mEmailyouranswer, alongwithyourname&address,to:[email protected]'Bundlebonanza'byMonday21November2016.We'llpickonewinneratrandomandtheywillreceiveconfirmationwithinsevenda ys.
HOWTO ENTERHOW TO ENTERHOWTO ENTERNove mber2016Digital SLR Photography 146LASTOLITEBY MANFROTTO is aleading brand in lighting and studioaccessories.From lighting aids andmodifiers to supports andbackgrounds, you can be sure thatwhether usingfl ash or daylight indoors oroutside, Lastolite By Manfrotto has the kityou need. In this month's competition,Lastolite By Manfrotto has generouslydonated a prize bundle worth over £500,covering a varietyof accessoriesfor fl ash,daylight and studio photography!Lastolite By Manfrotto's magneticbackground support allows photographersto quickly and easilyattach any collapsiblebackgrounds with a steel rim to a lightingstand. Our prize includes a stand andmagnetic support, all in a handy carry case.There are various double-sided backgrounddesignsavailable and we've twoof the latestas partof the prize bundle. Along withadiamonds/mosaic 1.2x1.5m creativebackground, the winner alsoreceivesa1.5x2.1m perspective background withsteps on one side and trees on the other.
WinaLastolit ebundleworthover £500!The backgrounds are made from crease-resistant fabric andattach easily to themagnetic support, allowing photographersto capture creative images in an instant, inthe studio or on location. Also included aspart of the prize is a 75cm Sunlite/Soft SilverTriGriprefl ector. This versatile collapsiblerefl ector has an ergonomic moulded handlethat allowsfor one-handed use andareversible metallic pattern that providesmore creative options.The last partof thebundle is idealfor fl ash photographers whowishfor a softer effect. The Ezybox Speed-Lite 2 is easy toattach, compatible with mostpopular modelsof fl ashgun and neatlyfoldsdownfor storage.Two diffusions layers canbe used together to give a soft,fl atteringportrait light with the minimumof fuss.To have a chanceof winning this brilliantbundle, answer our simple question beforethe closing dateof 21 November 2016.Please note that this competition is onlyopen toreaders living in the UK.ForfurtherinformationonLastoliteByManfrottoproducts,``````WEâVEABRILLIANTBUNDLEOFBACKGROUNDSANDLIGHTINGACCESSORIESUPFORGRABSFORONELUCKYWINNERINTHISMONTHâSCOMPETITION.ALLYOUHAVETO DOTO STANDACHANCEOFWINNINGISANSWERONESIMPLEQUESTION!``````Win!
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)