Digital SLR Photography

(Jacob Rumans) #1

/Your monthlY photo digestManinthemoonThe winning images from The 2016 insighTasTrophoTographer of The YearcompeTiTion havelanded, and The resulTs are ouT of Thisworld...``````PEOPLE&SPACE RUNNER-UP:manonthemoonbydaniCaxete(spain):a stargazer perches on the mountain known aspeña muñana in madrid,spain basking in thewarm glowofthe rising full moon. The photographerfaced a challenge in getting his friendtoreach the summitofthe mountainat the right momentfor thiscapture – a challenge thatwas heightenedwhen itwas discovered the friend had actually left his tripod at home.Image: ©danI caxeteStarS ShootacroSS the solar system, planets and stars billionsof light years away twinkle in the night sky, celestial bodies align,plunging the planet into darkness and the bright green glowofthe aurora dances over a frozen tundra. It’s no wonder that thenight sky fascinates us, and with continual improvements indigital camera technology, eachof us are increasingly equipped to captureand share the wondersof the universe like never in its eighth year, the Insight astronomy Photographerof theYearcompetition encourageskeen amateurs and professionals alike to boldlygo where no photographer has gone before and explore the solar systemwith their cameras. the craft seems to be more popular than ever too, withover4,500 entries being sent in from more than 80 countries around theworldfor the latest awards – arecord number!a teamof judges from across several fieldsof expertise presided overthe awards, including editorof BBcSky At Nightmagazine chris Bramley,comedian and astro enthusiast Jon culshaw, astrophotographer andpresenter Pete Lawrence,tu rner Prize winnerWolfgang tillmans androyal observatory greenwich astronomer dr marekKukula.

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