Digital SLR Photography

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Th eTh eLLooccaattioionnGGuuideideAthigh tide, waves wash over the boulders.It’s a great sunrise location with the beachasforeground interest and Cullernose Pointin the distance. The Point also catches theevening sun so it works later in the day too.Craster has a pretty little harbour and isagood spotfor shotsoflobster pots,fi shingnets and detailsofoldfi shing boats, butyou’re more likely to head there to walk alongthe coast path and photograph the dramaticruinsofDunstanburgh Castle from therockyshore bathed in morning sunlight. Whileyou’re there, take a look back and you’ll seeCraster village. Shoot this viewatsunrise,or early morning – it looks great on areallystormy day with waves lashing the shore.Oneofthe most popular views on theNorth Northumberland coast is lookingtowards Dunstanburgh Castle from thebeachofbasalt bouldersatthe southernendofEmbleton Bay (main image, right).Toreach this location, drive to Embletonvillage on the B1339, turn right just beforethe Dunstanburgh Castle Hotel (left justafterif you’re driving south), take a sharp rightonto Sunny Brae thenafter approx. ¼ mileturn left onto a single trackroad towardsDunstanSteads. Parkatthe endoftheroad,go through thefi ve-bar gate, turn immediateright andfollow the path along the edgeofthe golf course. After ten minutes you’ll seethe boulderfi eld. Drop down onto it andcarefully make your way to the sea.Athightide you don’t have to go too far butatlowtide you’ll need to negotiate a lotofbouldersand they get slippery, so be very careful.This view is best capturedatsunrise–from October to March the sun rises moreor less behind the castle so itrecords insilhouette, while in the spring and summerthe castle is side-lit as the sun comes up. Thecastle also catches theafternoon sun so it’sworth areturn later. It’s a beautiful viewpoint.``````7)BAMBURGH:Thisbeautifulcastleisbestcapturedfromthewidebeachatsunrise.8)DUNSTANBURGHCASTLE:Sunrisefromtheboulderfi eldatEmbletonBaycanbestunningtoo.9)DUNSTANBURGHCASTLE:Bathedinthewarmmorninglight,thisscenewasshotfromthecoastalpathnearCraster.10)BEADNELL:Ebb’sNookbeingwashedbythetide.``````828 Digital SLR PhotographyNove mber2016NorthNorthumberlandCoastStartShootingThings to shoot:Stunning sandybeachesatBamburgh, Seahouses,Embleton and Alnmouth, castles(Lindisfarne, Bamburgh, Dunstanburgh,Alnwick andWarkworth), harboursatHoly Island, Beadnell, Seahouses andAlnmouth. Great sunrisesatalloftheabove, sunsetsatHoly Island, Budle Bay,Beadnell and Alnmouth.When to go:Any timeofyear,though the summer holidays arebusiest so bestavoided – Holy Islandcan be heaving on a sunny weekend!Spring and autumn can be stunning andthere arefewer tourists. Winters areoften mild due to the proximityofthesea, and the soft winter light is beautiful.Recommended kit:A general kitfor landscapes – wide-angle,standard and telezooms; sturdy tripodand head;remoterelease; ND grads,polariser and ten-stop NDfi lter;waterproof sheet to put your bag onwhen you’re shooting on wet sand;wellies tokeep yourfeet dry.Tide info:It’s handy to know highand low tide times as this caninfl uence where and what you shoot.Timesfor Amble and Berwick uponTweed can be used as a guide (,, Crossings to HolyIsland are subject to tide times –for safecrossing times go to``````Another option is to shoot from the sandybeach – insteadofturning rightafter thefarm gate, go straight ahead through thedunes.You can shoot from the dunes, orgo down onto the beach. This can lookspectacularatdawn when the colours in theskyrefl ect in the wet sand, plus there areafewrock poolsfor refl ections androcksforforeground interest.Alternatively, drive down to the golf clubin Embleton (you can park there) then walkto the beach. In theafternoon, on arecedingtide, there are fantastic sand ripples – getdown low with a wide-angle lens tofi ll theforeground and capture DunstanburghCastle in the distance.Beadnell is the next village worthastop. It boasts a sweeping bay and a broadsandy beach with views to DunstanburghCastle. There’s also a small harbour, whichusually has afew traditionalfi shing coblesmoored within its walls. It faces west, so it’s``````7

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