1locationFind a path or track thatâs wide and free from too muchpassingfoot traffic and other cyclists â neverattempt this onaroad! Smooth surfaces tend to yield betterresults, as uneven surfacescan cause camera shake. If youâre shooting on a bright day and donâthave (or canât use) an ND filter, then tree canopy cover will allowfor aslow shutter speed without overexposing the scene.
2attachthe rigMount your rig to the bike, making sure it doesnâtfoul the chain, wheels, orrestrict movement. Low angles tend tomakefor more dynamic shots, as surfaces close to the camera (i.e thefloor) display more motion blur than objects far away. Alternatively,compositions that show the riderâs eye view can create engagingimages. Make sure your clamp is securelyattached and canât move.
3composethe shotProp the bike up and, with a wide-angle lensmounted,affix the camera to the rig.Switch on LiveView andadjust the rig until happy with the composition. Showing the bikein context with the direction itâs travelling will lead the viewerâs eyethrough the image. Remember to allowfor the riderâs leg in the shot, ifapplicable. Lockoff the rig so that it canât move and check itâs secure.
4settingsFocus on the bike and switch to manualfocus to stopit hunting. Select shutter-priority mode.Your shutter speed willdepend on the speedof travel and the desired degreeof blur. A slowshutter will give the impressionof fast motion, evenat slow speeds,but with an increased riskof shake.Start at around1/30sec and adjustfrom there. If the scene overexposes, use a lower ISO, or an ND filter.
5shootingSwitch the camera to continuous burst mode.Attachyourremoterelease (wireless is preferredfor obviousreasons)and hold theremote outof sight â the opposite hand to the cameraworkedfor me. Get on the bike and start moving slowly whilsttriggering the shutter.Try shootingat a slow pace first, and then goingfaster to see which works best, adjusting the shutter speed to suit.
6the detailsMind the positionof yourfeet when riding andexperiment with capturing images with both yourfeet moving andstill, to see which you prefer.Stop every sooften and check theresults.If youâre using a slow shutter speed and/or are on an uneven surface,youâll have to shoot a lotof frames to get a handfulof sharp ones.Check the histogram in order to identify any over- or underexposure.
40 Digital slr PhotographyNove mber2016PH TOsKIl ls Shooting with a rig
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)