Custom Houseat sunsetbyFrederic kBancale``````CanonEOS6DwithCanonEF16-35mmf/2.8LIIUSMlens.Exposure: 262 seconds atf/16 (ISO 100).What we think:Frederick used a seven-stopND filter andreverse ND grad here â this hascontrolled the sunset, whilstrenderingDublin's River Liffey as a smooth blur. Thediffusedreflections in the river simplify thescene,focusing your eye on the building.There are a coupleofchanges we'd make;firstly, the building looks a little dark â maybebecauseFrederick has concentrated onsaving the highlights. Secondly, the railingsin theforeground don't serve much purposeand so either need to be eliminated from theframe, or made moreofcompositionally.``````Why itworksGreat technique and useoffiltersLovely colours and lightLens distortion corrected nicely
60 Digital slr PhotographyNove mber2016Cropped
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jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)