WHEN DIDYOU last have afl ick through your DSLRâsownerâs manual, or thumb through the menus onthe preview screen? Maybe in thefi rst week or twoafter buying the camera, butfor mostof us, once we knowthe basicsof how our DSLR works, we tend to put theinstruction book away and never pick it up again.If the photographs youâre taking are every bit as good asyou expect or wishfor, then perhaps you know everythingyou need. However,few if any photographers can actually``````say that and mean it, simply because thereâs so much tolearn and there's almost alwaysroom for improvement.The manyfeat ures and functions your DSLRoffers arethere to help you improve and take better photographs.If they werenât, camera manufacturers would have givenup on improving their products years ago. So having paidgood money, you might as well make full useof them!Itâs our intention in this guide to help you do exactlythat. So turn over the page and let's get started...``````LASTMONTHWE KICKED OFFOUR GUIDEBYTAKINGAN IN-DEPTHLOOKAT METERING, ISO RATINGSANDWHITEBALANCE. INTHIS ISSUEWECOMPLETETHE PICTUREBYEXPLORING FOCUSING OPTIONS,IMAGE QUALITYSETTINGSANDALLTHEOTHER KEYFUNCTIONSTHATYOUR DSLR HASTO OFFER
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)