Nove mber2016Digital slr Photography 77WI-FI/NFC:It was only a matterof timebefore manufacturers started incorporatingWi-Fi into their cameras. It isn't just high-endmodels either â entry level DSLRs such asthe CanonEOS 1300D even have Wi-Fi andNFC (Near Field Communication).What this means is that you can accessyour camera via Wi-Fi and transfer imagesstraight from it to your smartphone or tablet,post them on social media and so on. This isa real bonus if youâre travelling as you canshare your images as you go.You can alsotransfer images from camera to computervia Wi-Fi, and print images straight from yourcamera if you have a Wi-Fi printer. Somemodelsof DSLR or mirrorless cameraofferthe function to view LiveView from yourphone or tablet, or even change settings,focus and fire the shutter from a distance.NFC works in a similar way to Wi-Fi, buttwo NFC-enabled products â camera andsmartphone â must be within 4cmof eachotherfor it to work. Images are then sentwirelessly using electromagnetic radio fieldsinsteadof radio waves. NFC is similar toBluetooth, but has a shorter working range.
Aspect rAtioChange the imageformat from standard 3:2ratioto 1:1, 4:3,16:9 and so on. Changing the aspectratioin-cameracan make it easierto composeyour shots within thatformat.Remembertoturn itoffwhenyouâre done, as with somemodels the crop is permanent unlessyouuse thecamera makerâsown Rawprocessing softwareto cancel the crop.Viewfinder gridMost DSLRs haveanoptionfor a grid in the viewfinder. Thiscanbe helpful whencomposing imagesâplacingyour focal point accordingto therule-of-thirds, say. The horizontal lines alsohelpyou get the horizon straight whenyouâre handholding thecamera, while thevertical lines help preventconvergingverticals when shooting architecture.``````sensor cleAningThevast majorityofcameras boast an integral cleaningfacilitythat helpsto keep dustoffthe sensor andreduce the needto retouchyour prizedpictures. Ifyour camera has it, use it. Set ittoclean automatically every time thecamerais turned on andoffandyou should noticeadifference in the numberof dust spots thatyou needto clone out while editing.``````screen brightnessIf you rely onyour cameraâs preview screen whenassessing images thenyou needto knowthat itâstelling the truth, otherwiseyouâllend up with badly exposed shots.Avoidhaving Auto Brightness set, as the screenbrightness will fluctuate in differing lightlevels. Instead, set itto the halfwaypoint sothe brightness stays the same at all times.``````jON hICkSLeft:If you capture an image onyour travels thatyou're proudof, then it's easy to share it ifyour camera has a Wi-Fi function.
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)