Digital SLR Photography

(Jacob Rumans) #1

7EpicviewsIn autumn, sunlight ismost desirable early and late in the daywhen it’s side-lighting scenes.Evenbetter is an overcast day as you can shootall day long in soft, even light that helpssaturate colours – justremember toavoidincluding expansesof grey sky. Multi-zonepatterns, such as the Matrix system used onNikon DSLRs, is goodfor most situationsand toretain depth-of-field; increase yourISO until youreach a workable shutterspeed.Try to find a high vantage point thatlooks down over the landscape andrevealslayersof amber and crimson-colouredcountryside. While a wide-angle lens maybe your first choice, consider a telephotolens to help compress perspective andbring the farthest layersof the landscapecloser. The UK is not shortof sweepingvistas, but you don’t have to go as far as theScottish Highlands or climb the highestpeak in the Lake District, beautiful autumnscenes can befound nearby. Read ourLocation Guidesto discover the UK’s mostphotogenic hotspotsfor landscapes.``````CREaTIvE TRavEL PROjECTS/SHUTTERSTOCK82 Digital slr PhotographyNove mber2016Theperfectwaytoaddnewskills!The Nikon School at the new NikonCentreof Excellence incentralLondonoffersawiderangeof photography courses andworkshops. Why not treatyourself or someoneyou love to a Nikonvoucher thatcan be usedat the Nikon School.For further details,visit: summer gives way to autumn,acorns, conkers and leaf littercovers parks and woodland floors,which become a treasure troveforcreative still-life photographers toforage. Soft, painterly lighting isoftenthe top choice to enhance the warmhues of autumn, so it’s no surprisediffused natural light isoften best. Butraise your still-life lighting up a notch byflagging and bouncing the light to helpsculpt subjects and play with shadows.Consider your composition carefullyand don’t discount includingfood too.autumn’s the seasonof harvest soapples, pears and pumpkins are ripeforthe picking. Richred berries, burgundyplums and mouth-watering homemadecomfort foods can also be afeast for theeyes, so use wide apertures, selectivefocusing and experiment withviewpoints to capture enticing shots.``````DINa BELENKO``````STEvENRUSSELLSMITHPHO``````TOS/SHUTTERSTOCK5Birdsas the nights become cooler,most birds visitingfor the summer areheading southfor warmer climates, soit’s a perfect time to capture flocks in the sky.Wait until sunset and you’ll likely silhouettethem flying to woodlandroosts againstablazing sky, or if you’re near the coast, greatskeinsof migratory geese. add a stopofnegative exposure compensation to ensurethe birds are silhouetted.During autumn,food is plentiful so you’reunlikely to see many birds in your gardenuntil winter, even if you set up a tempting``````banquet; you need to go to them. Withatelephoto lensof 300mm or longer in hand,go in searchof bushes and trees withloitering woodland birds. Some birds, suchas finches, however, like torest on teaselsand thistles sokeep a look out. If theirchosenfeeding spot doesn’toffer a cleanbackground or an uncluttered viewpoint, trybaiting a perch like an autumnal branch nextto where they are and waitfor them to moveover.You may find a portable hide helpful,and also aremoterelease to make the mostof split-second opportunities.AutumnInspiration

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