9Shotsnotto bemistAutumn is a wonderful timeof yearforoutdoor photography. As the weatherturns cooler, photogenic mist hangs low invalleys and around trees. Fog and mist addatmosphere to images, so if the conditionsarise donât miss the opportunity to injectatouchof mood and mystery into you shots.The best conditions areoften short-lived, soscout out your location beforehand andcheck theforecast for a cool, clear night asaprelude to your early start. Find highviewpoints overlooking valleys orrolling hillswith clear pointsof interest, like castles orhilltop trees, or set up near a bodyof water tocapture the muted tones and low-lying mist.Opt for a Daylight White Balance, or tweakyour Raw file later toretain the blue huealong with the saturated autumn palette.Tryto find a position that's also backlit or side-litby a low, warm sun as the mist will beautifullydiffuse the glow.Youâll need to work quicklyas the sun will burn through the mist fast.Head into woodlands too and you might belucky enough to capture the spectacleofrising sun shining through the trees with thefoggy conditions defining the rays.
84 Digital slr PhotographyNove mber2016AutumnInspirationspiBeR.De/sHuTTeRsTOck``````RossHoddinottLandscapeexpert
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)