Digital SLR Photography

(Jacob Rumans) #1

14GardenflowersJust because summer is overdoesn’t mean all flora lays torest.While most summer wildflowers aredwindling by mid-September, there are stillplentyof autumn-flowering bulbs that canmake your flower beds photogenic.Crocuses,Cyclamen and Dahlias are justsomeof the hardy buds you can expect tosee in bloom. Use a fast telephoto like theNIKKOR AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8 to compressperspective, and a wide aperture to isolateasingle bloom amongst a blurof colour;amacro lens like a 105mm is even better to``````amplify small buds. If you’ve not planted thebulbs in time this year, head to your localgarden centre to buyready-to-shoot plants.Dahlias are particularly great flowers touse for indoor still-lifes, too. Whether it’s toowindy to shoot outdoors or you prefer theseamless backdrop and controlled lightingof a studio set-up, a Dahlia is a superbautumn flower to find.You'll find thata50mm f/1.8 is an idealfocal lengthfor thislarge layered flower, and choose a mid-aperture to ensure you have a large enoughdepth-of-field to get its vibrant, geometricpetals infocus when filling the frame.86 Digital slr PhotographyNove mber2016MasterAutumnwith NikonAutumnpullsonthebenefitsofanumberoflensesastherearesomanybeautifulimagestocreateandspectacularscenestoca pture.Whileourlenssuggestionssuitspecificsubjects,ifanautumnphotowalkisinthecale ndar, considerpackingafastzoomcoveringvariousfocallengthssoyou’renotweigheddownwithgear.Forinstance,ifit’sportraitsandnaturethatdrawyou,considerthenewAF-PDX NIKKOR70-300mmf/4.5-6.3GEDorAF-SDX NIKKOR55-300mmf/4.5-5.6EDVR.Agoodall-rounderforthenovicephotographeristhe18-200mmf/3.5-5.6EDVRII–it’sidealforeverythingfromwidelandscapestoclose-upsofdistantsubjects.Thenewlightweight24.2-megapixelDX-formatD3400,andtheD7200,aregreataccompanimentstoyourzoomlens.Bothcaptureamazingdetail,evenin low-lightforestsandoffera versatilerangeoffeatures.``````mAx BRIDge13Deerruttingmost wildlife photographyenthusiasts get excited by theprospectof October, not justfor its warmlight and autumnal colour, but the echoesofclashing antlers. While location is importantduring rutting season, Red Deer can befound in various places such as countryestates, deer and Royal parks: visit the BritishDeer Society websitefor suggestions ( While rival Red Deer stags andbucks fighting is a common sight this timeof year, you’ll still need to go armed withpatience, a powerful telezoom like theNIKKOR 80-400mm, and a bitof luck if youwant to be in the right placeat the right time.Beautiful imagesof backlit stags bellowingor battling, or multiple stags in a group areafavourite to get and to do them wellrequiresplanning.Watch the weatherforecast formist and rain, which enhance shots, and theprospectsfor a good sunrise or sunset. mistymornings are ideal so head out the morningafter a cold, clear night with no wind.

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