15WondrouswaterStreams, creeks, lakes and rivers are magicalplaces in autumn. Capture them in low-lying mist,with multi-coloured tree linesreflected in lakes andwaterfalls or woodland streams surrounded by theseasonâs best hues. Use a polarising filter to capture clearreflections, saturate colours andremove glare from wetrocks and leaves. Using a polariser extends the exposure byup to two stops which, when combined with overcastconditions, may provide you with a sufficiently longexposuresfor transforming moving water to silk.Youmay also need to use an ND grad too if the sky isbrighter than the water. Remember your rulesforlandscape composition too: lookfor lead-inlines,foreground interest and employthe rule-of-thirds.thomaS heRzog
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)