thevenues to allowfordirect connection tothe cameras. Theonly exception was whenshooting track side in thevelodrome, whenI used a WT transmitter and 4GWi-Fideviceto send images.Having the Ethernetconnection reallyhelped, asdueto the timedifference we were workingto extremelytight deadlines. Itmeantwecouldgetimages shot, edited in-camera and offtoPete, our wireman in Bedford, withinminutes. Heâd then turn themaroundandsend the shotsto HQin double-quick time.I felt forhim âwe were workinglong hoursbut had got usedto the time difference whilepooroldPete was satat hislaptop working inthe early hours to ensure all the imageswerewithTheSunbefore deadline. Mostdays,heworked from2pm untilfour in themorning!Because sports like swimming are sohugeinthe USA, the final of theseevents would runlate in theday in Brazilto ensuremaximumTVaudiences in the States. Unfortunately,thismeantlate nights forPete in the UK!"Dickie reveals that having use of thelatest-generationDSLRs andmemory cardsalsoplayed a big part in the speedy transferof images. âRemote editingon the camerasis simple thanksto theexcellentset-uponthe cameras and,while itâs fastto send fileson the EOS-1D X,itâs much quicker stillonthe EOS-1D X Mk II. Thiswas mainly becauseI usedit with Lexarâslatest CFast cards,which madesending the images via Ethernetincredibly fast. The EOS-1D X Mk IIis
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jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)