prisedopenand the contents swiped!"Itwasnât just camera items that werestolen eitherâ personal effectswereontheagendatoo. Weweresatat a bus stopandwatched as amediabus arrived and peoplefunnelled to get on it. A little kidran up andripped agold necklace off afemale memberof themediawaitingto get on. One thingIlearned fromthelast time Iwas here wasthat youâre askingfortroubleif you wearingexpensivegoldjewellery and snazzywatches in Rio.Unfortunately, thisladylearned thelesson thehard way. Yo u havetorespect that there are twovery distinct sidesto the peopleliving in Rio: those withmoneyand those withnothing. I think the securitywas definitelybetter atthe Olympics thanattheWorld Cup,butif youâreoutthereworkingyou haveto use commonsense.
rio2016Richard Pelhamgone! Luckily,hedidnât panic, thought onhisfeet andleggedit to theexit. Hesawawoman withoutanyaccreditationcarryinghis 600mm under herarm.Hegrabbedheraroundtheneckin aheadlockand draggedherto a security area,where shewasarrested.He was oneof theluckyfew thatmanaged to recover their kit. One poor guyputhis camera bag with all his kit in a securelocker in themedia centre whilehegrabbedsome lunch. When hereturned,it hadbeen
me, there weresome horror stories."Anews agency hadtheir office in themedia centre cleanedoutwith twoentirecamera outfits stolen. Another agency hadinstalled several remote cameras into theroof of the Maracanã Stadium,which youâdthinkwould be as safe ashouses. Whentheyreturned in themorning,everythingwasgone. In both casesweâre talking cameras,lenses andaccessories running into tens ofthousands of pounds. On thelast night,during thehockeyfinal, the BBChadtwolaptops stolenfromthemedia centre."Itwasnât just agencies that weretargeted- individuals weretoo. Aphotographercovering the canoeing with a 600mm f/4put it downnext to himto use a shorter lensto shoot themedals presentationâ when helookeddown afew seconds later, it hadI love everythIngabout the olympIcs,but I do have myfavourIte events94 Digital slr PhotographyNove mber2016
jacob rumans
(Jacob Rumans)