Karl Marx: A Biography

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concierge pointed out that Jenny had given him a large tip on leaving. Jenny's
own account (Reminiscences, pp. 223 ff.) is fairly imaginative. Born's version
(Erinnerungen, pp. 83 ff.) outstrips even Jenny.
5. From the German version in MEW iv 537 f.
6. On the period in general, see S. Bernstein, 'Marx in Paris, 1848 : A Neglected
Chapter', Science and Society, vols. 3 and 4 (193 8 and 1940).
7. S. Seiler, Das Complott vom 13 Juni 1849 oder der letzte Sieg der Bourgeoisie in
Frankreich (Hamburg, 1850 ) p. 21.
H. See the Minutes of the Communist League meeting of 8 March reprinted in
MEGA 1 vii 588 f.
9. See the translation in D. Struik (ed.), The Birth of the Communist Manifesto,
pp. 190 ff.
10. Apostelnstrasse, no. 7.
11. Cecilienstrasse, no. 7.
12. Gottschalk to Hess, in M. Hess, Briefwechsel, p. 174.
13. Quoted in E. Czobel, 'Zur Geschichte des Kommunistenbundes', Archiv fiir
die Geschichte des Sozialismus und der Arbeiterbewegung (1925).
14. Cf. Gottschalk to Hess, in M. Hess, Briefwechsel, p. 177.
15. For figures as precise as can be obtained on the socio-economic situation in
Cologne at this time, see H. Stein, Der Kolner Arbeiterverein 1848-49
(Cologne, 1921 ) pp. 9 ff.
16. Cf. F. Engels, 'Marx und die Neue Rheinische Zeitung 1848-1849', MEW, xxi
18 ; Gottschalk to Hess, in M. Hess, Briefwechsel, p. 176. On arrival Marx was
also offered a post in the Press Bureau in Berlin by Claessen, a friend of
Camphausen. See MEW xxx 510.
17. Cf. W. Blumenberg, 'Zur Geschichte des Bundes der Kommunisten', Inter-
national Review of Social History (1964) p. 89.
18. Gottschalk to Hess, in M. Hess, Briefwechsel, p. 175.
19. Cf. 'Minutes of the Cologne Section, etc.' MEW v 484.
20. Born to Marx, 11 May 1848 , reprinted in K. Marx, Enthiillungen tiber den
Kommunistenprozess zu Kd'ln (Berlin, 1914 ) p. 19.
21. Published in W. Blumenberg, 'Zur Geschichte des Bundes der Kommunisten',
International Review of Social History (1964) p. 89. This is supported by Born,
Erinnerungen, p. 48. Roser's testimony has been discounted by Russian his-
torians (particularly E. P. Kandel), who maintain that the Communist League
was never dissolved. See further B. Nicolaievsky, 'Who is distorting history?'
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (April 1961 ) and Kandel's reply,
'Eine schlechte Verteidigung einer schlechten Sache', BeitrUge zur Geschichte
der Arbeiterbewegung (1963).
22. K. Marx, 'Herr Vogt', MEW xiv 439 f.
23. Ibid.
24. F. Engels, 'Marx und die Neue Rheinische Zeitung, MEW xxi 18.

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