Karl Marx: A Biography

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  1. Engels to Marx, MEW xxvn 125.

  2. F. Engels, 'Marx und die Neue Rheinische Zeitung', MEW xxi 19. According
    to Liebknecht, however, it was Engels who, in contradistinction to Marx,
    acted in a military fashion in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung office and caused
    many rows. Cf. Engels-Bebel Briefwechsel, ed. W. Blumenberg, p. xvii.

  3. S. Born, Erinnerungen (Berlin, 1898 ) pp. 198 ff.

  4. Cf. F. I. Carsten, The Origins of Prussia (Oxford, 1954).

  5. F. Engels, 'Marx und die Neue Rheinische Zeitung', MEW xxi 19.

  6. K. Marx, 'The Crisis and the Counter-Revolution', ME W v 402.

  7. K. Marx, 'Draft Law on the Abolition of Feudal Dues', MEW v 283.

  8. K Marx, 'Programme of the Radical-Democratic Party and the Left in Frank-
    fiirt', MEW x 42.

  9. F. Engels, 'Marx and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung', MEW xxi 18.

  10. Quoted in S. Born, Erinnerungen, p. 102.

  11. K. Marx, 'The June Revolution', MEW v 136 f.

  12. The foreign policy of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung is fully discussed by F.
    Mehring in his Introduction to Aus dem literarischen Nachlass von K. Marx,
    F. Engels, F. Lassalle, 111 3 ff.

  13. F. Engels, 'The Frankfurt Debate on Poland', MEW v 332 f.

  14. F. Engels, 'The Danish-Prussian Armistice', ME W v 394.

  15. Quoted in B. Nicolaievsky and O. Maenchen-Helfen, La Vie de Karl Marx,
    p. 198.

  16. The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz (London, 1909 ) 1 138 f. See the full quotation
    on pp. 417 ff. below.

  17. A. Brisbane, A Mental Biography, ed. R. Brisbane (Boston, 1893 ) p. 273.

  18. Cf. H. Meyer, 'Karl Marx und die Deutsche Revolution von 1848', Historische
    Zeitschrift, (December 1951).

  19. Ibid.

  20. Quoted in E. Priester, 'Karl Marx in Wien', Zeitschrift fiir Geschichtswissenschaft

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45. Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 15 September 1848 , in MEW v 493.
46. Neue Rheinische Zeitung, 19 September 1848 , in MEW v 497.
47. K Marx, 'The Cologne Revolution', MEW v 421.
48. Minutes of the General Meeting, etc., MEW v 502.
49. K Marx, 'Victory of the Counter-Revolution in Vienna' MEW v 457.
50. K Marx, 'The Counter-Revolution in Berlin', MEW vi 12.
51. Cf. MEW vi 33.
52. K Marx, 'Reply of Frederick William IV to the Deputation of the Civil
Guard', MEW v 431 f.
53. Marx to Engels, MEW xxvii 128.
54. Ibid., 129.
55. Ibid.

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