Karl Marx: A Biography

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  1. Ibid., 130.

  2. Quoted in H. Gemkow, Karl Marx, p. 174 , cf. also MEW vi 571.

  3. Marx to Engels, MEW xxvii 131.
    Sy. Minutes of the Committee Meeting, etc., MEW v 501.

  4. K Marx, 'The Bourgeoisie and the Counter-Revolution', MEW vi 124.

  5. K. Marx, 'The Revolutionary Movement', MEW vi 149 f.

  6. Minutes of the Committee Meeting, etc., MEW vi 579.

  7. F. Engels, 'The Hungarian Struggle', MEW vi 176.

  8. This matter is investigated in extraordinary detail by R. Rosdolsky, 'Friedrich
    Engels und das Problem der "Geschichtslosen Volker" ', Archiv fiir Sozial-
    geschichte, iv (1964). See also F. Mehring, Aus dem literarischen Nachlass, in 18
    ff.; G. Mayer Friedrich Engels, 11 345 ff. Two of Engels' essays are translated
    in K. Marx and F. Engels, The Russian Menace to Europe, ed. Blackstock and
    Hoselitz (London, 1953 ) pp. 56 ff. The Neue Rheinische Zeitung also contained
    a fair amount of anti-semitism whose generally anti-capitalist tone it facilely
    considered to be of a progressive nature. Many of these articles (as also some
    of those in the vein of Engels' quoted above) came from Mtiller-Tellering (the
    paper's Vienna correspondent) whose contributions Marx considered to be
    'the best we have had, absolutely in keeping with our line'. (Marx to Muller-
    Tellering, MEW xxvii 485).

  9. K. Marx, Speech in his Defence, MEW vi 232.
    M. Ibid., 234.

  10. Ibid., 245.

  11. Ibid., 257.

  12. Cf. Minutes of the Committee Meeting, etc., MEW vi 578.

  13. Quoted in H. Stein, Der Kolner Arbeiterverein, p. 92.

  14. K Marx, Montesquieu LVI, MEW vi 195.

  15. Quoted in H. Stein, op. cit., p. 96.

  16. See p. 179 above.

  17. Evidence of P. Roser, in W. Blumenberg, 'Zur Geschichte des Kommunisten-
    bundes', International Review of Social History (1964) p. 90.

  18. Evidence of P. Roser, op. cit., pp. 90 ff.

  19. Marx to Oberst Engels, ME W xxvii 496.

  20. Engels, to Kautsky, MEW xxxvi 399.

  21. F. Engels, 'Marx and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung', MEW xxi 23.

  22. MEW vi 426.

  23. See pp. 157 ff above.
    H i. K. Marx, 'Wage Labour and Capital', MES W 1 79.

  24. On the achievements of workers' organisations in Germany during 1848-9,
    see P. Noyes, Organization and Revolution passim.
    8). Quoted in H. Stein, op. cit., p. 99.
    H4. Reference for Marx's Hamburg activities in H. Meyer, 'Karl Marx und die

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