Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

first proof sheet on 5 May, his forty-ninth birthday, he had to return to
London in mid-May. It was a return that he feared: 'the debts there are
important and the Manichees are waiting "insistently" for my return.
Then there is the family moaning, the inner collisions, the rush, instead
of being able to approach my work fresh and untroubled.'^186 Throughout
the summer Marx continued to be worried by his creditors and only had
time to correct the proofs sheet sent to him by Meissner. He forwarded
them regularly to Engels for his opinion. (It is interesting to note that
Marx had not shown any of his drafts to Engels before they were sent to
press.) Engels considered that some of the more abstract first part bore
'the trace of the carbuncle'.^187 He also wished that Marx had introduced
many more subtitles and had had his excursuses printed in a different
type. Although the sharpness of the dialectical development was improved
in Capital, Engels found the Critique of Political Economy easier to grasp.

Marx's letter to Engels on completing Capital, Volume One. The text reads:

2 Uhr Nacht, 16 Aug. 1867
Dear Fred,
Eben den letzten Bogen (49.) des Buchs fertig korrigiert. Der Anhang - Wertform
kleingedruckt, urnfafit i'/ 4 Bogen.
Vorrede ditto gestern korrigiert zuriickgeschickt. Also dieser Band ist fertig. Blofi
I)ir verdanke ich es, da(S dies moglich war! Ohne Deine Aufopferung fur mich
konnte ich unmoglich die ungeheuren Arbeiten zu den 3 Banden machen. I
embrace you, full of thanks!
Beiliegend 2 Bogen Reinabzug.
Die 15 £ mit bestem Dank erhalten.
Salut, mein lieber, teurer Freund!
K. Marx

August 16 , 1867 , 2 o'clock in the night
Dear Fred,
I lave just finished correcting the last galley proof (49th) of the book. The
appendix, on the form of value - is in small print and takes up i'/ 4 galleys.
'I"he Preface likewise was corrected and sent back yesterday. So this volume is
finished. It is you alone that I have to thank for this being possible. Without your
sell-sacrifice for me, I could never possibly have accomplished the enormous
labour for the three volumes. I embrace you, full of thanks!
Enclosed are two corrected galley proofs.
I got the £15. Many thanks.
(ireetings, my dear, beloved friend.
K. Marx

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