Karl Marx: A Biography

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methodology but merely one of size. This point is amplified in the rest
of this chapter. See further the Basel dissertation of O. Morf, Das Verhaltnis
von Wissenschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (1951) pp. 75 ff.; also M.
Rubel's Introduction to K. Marx, Oeuvres, 11 (Paris, 1968). See the diagram
on p. 458.
18. Marx's Grundrisse, p. 58.
19. Grundrisse (195 3 ed.) p. 78.
20. Marx's Grundrisse, p. 100.
21. See Grundrisse (195 3 ed.) pp. 162 ff. and particularly the schema on pp.
186 ff. Since these sections are typical of large parts of the Grundrisse, several
of the accounts of Marx's thought produced by scholars of the older gener-
ation - Daniel Bell, 'The Debate on Alienation', in Revisionism (1962); Sidney
Hook, From Hegel to Marx (2nd ed. 1962); Lewis Feuer, 'What is alienation?
The career of a concept', New Politics (1962) - are in a need of revision. It
was the thesis of these writers that there was a radical break between the
Young and the Old Marx; and the major proof of this was held to be
the absence in the later writings of the concept of alienation so central
to the earlier works. In addition, the writers who have wished to minimise
the influence of Hegel on Marx will have to revise their ideas.
22. Lassalle to Marx, 12 May 1851.
23. Marx's Grundisse, p. 71.
24. Ibid., p. 31.
25. Ibid., p. 76.
26. Ibid., pp. 94 ff.
27. Ibid., p. 143.
28. Ibid., p. 135. In his correspondence with Engels. Marx says that he considered
the primitive model of an automatic machine to be a clock. Marx derived a
lot of his information on automatic spinning machinery (as well as other
aspects of factory life) from Engels to whom he often turned for help
in these practical questions. He confessed to his friend: 'I understand the
mathematical laws, but the simplest technical reality, where observation is
necessary, is as difficult for me as for the greatest ignoramus....' (MEW
xxx 320).
29. Marx's Gnindrisse, p. 133.
30. Ibid., p. 151.
31. Ibid., pp. 121 ff.
32. Ibid., p. 75.
33. Ibid., p. 124.
34. Ibid.
35. Ibid., p. 142.
36. Marx to Lassalle, MEW xxix 566.
37. k. Marx, 'Preface to Critique of Political Economy', MESW 1 361.
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