Karl Marx: A Biography

(coco) #1

11 j. Cf. Marx to J. von Schweitzer, MEW xxxii 568 ff.; Marx to Kugelmann,
MESC, pp. 167 ff.
11 A. Marx to Kugelmann, MESC, p. 169.
117. Cf. B. Andreas, 'Zur Agitation und Propaganda des ADAV 1863/64', Archiv
fllr Sozialgeschichte (1963).
118. On this, see W. Mommsen, 'Lassalle und Bismarck', Archiv fiir Sozialgeschichte
119. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 432.
120. Marx to Sophie von Hatzfeld, MEW xxx 673. Further on Lassalle, see
S. Na'aman, Lassalle (Hanover, 1970).
1 j 1. Jenny Marx to Wilhelm von Florencourt, in Vier Briefe von Jenny Marx
(Trier, 1970 ) p. 6.
122. Jenny Marx, 'Short Sketch of an Eventful Life', Reminiscences, p. 230.
123. Marx to Engels, MEW xxix 130.
124. Marx to Weydemeyer, xxix 570.
125. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 160.
126. Ibid.
127. Marx to Lassalle, MEW xxx 606.
128. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 206.
129. Cf. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW xxx 640.
1 jo. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 315. The gap between the lifestyles of the
working class and middle class at this time was so great that this really was
the stark alternative that faced Marx if he wished to escape from 'bourgeois
i(i Marx to Jenny Marx, MEW xxx 643.
i(2. Marx to Lion Philips, MEW xxx 648.
1 ((. Marx to Jenny Marx, MEW xxx 655.
1 (.(. Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 132.
1 (s- Ibid., 353.
1 (6. Ibid., xxix 374.
1 (7. Ibid, xxx 113.

1 (K Jenny Marx to Louise Weydemeyer, Reminiscences, p. 247.
H 9 Ibid.
140. Jenny Marx to Conrad Schramm, MEW xxix 645.
1 11 Marx to Engels, MEW xxix 285.
1,( 2 Ibid., 210.
i.| ( Ibid., 214.
144. Ibid., 248.
145. Ibid., 310.
146 Engels to Marx, MEW xxx 312.
i.( 7 Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 314.
148. Ibid.

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