Karl Marx: A Biography

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For two substantial contributions, see N. Geras, 'Marx and the Critique of
Political Economy' and M. Godelier, 'Structure and Contradiction in CapitaP,
both in Ideology in Social Science, ed. R. Blackburn (London, 1972).
213. For a short and clear claim for the continued relevance of Marx's ideas, see
A. Gamble and P. Walton, From Alienation to Surplus Value, ch. 7. Also, E.
Hunt and J. Schwartz, Critique of Economic Theory (London, 1972).
214. Jenny Marx to Kugelmann, Briefe und Dokumente, ed. B. Andreas, Archiv fiir
Sozialgeschichte (1962) p. 193. Cf. also the letter of Jenny Marx (daughter) to
Kugelmann in the same collection, p. 240.
215. Jenny Marx, in Reminiscences, p. 233.
216. Jenny Marx to Engels, MEW xxx 679.
217. Paul Lafargue, in Reminiscences, p. 73.
218. Cf. Ibid.
219. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW XXXII 540.
220. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 126.
221. Marx to Lion Philips, MEW xxx 665. Marx may just have been boasting
here. But he certainly gave Engels good advice on how to play the Stock
Market (see MEW XXXIII 23 , 29).
222. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 131.
223. Ibid., 262.
224. Ibid., 321.
225. Ibid., 75.
226. Ibid., 108.
227. Cf. K Marx, Dokumente seines Lebens, p. 350.
228. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 217.
229. Ibid., xxxii 344.
230. K. Marx, Dokumente seines Lebens, p. 352. Any conversion into present-day
values must be approximate. Very roughly these figures should be multiplied
at least a hundred times to get present-day equivalents. For comparison, an
unskilled worker in London in 1870 could earn around £5 0 p.a. The classical
work on this subject is A. Bowley, Wages in the United Kingdom in the
Nineteenth Century (Cambridge, 1900).
231. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi no.
232. Ibid., 247.
233. Ibid.
234. Marx to Paul Lafargue, MEW xxxi 518. The full letter is translated in
Y. Kapp, Eleanor Marx, 1 298 f.
235. Marx to Paul Lafargue, MEW xxxi 519.
236. Ibid.
237. W. Liebknecht, Briefwechsel mit Marx und Engels, p. 80.
238. Ibid.
239. Engels to Marx, MEW xxxi 409.

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