Karl Marx: A Biography

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separating them from the labour aristocracy grew. For reference to the
sources of these statistics, see R. Harrison, Before the Socialists (London, 1965 )
pp. 3 ff.; on the 'labour aristocracy' see E. Hobsbawm, Labouring Men
(London, 1964 ) pp. 272 ff.
22. MESW 1 383.
23. Ibid., 384.
24. Ibid.
25. Ibid., 386.
26. Quoted in D. Rjazanov, 'Zur Geschichte der Ersten Internationale', Marx-
Engels Archiv, 1 (1925) p. 192.
27. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi no.
28. Cf. Ibid., 100.
29. Marx to Engels, MEW 162.
30. Marx to Liebknecht, MEW xxxi 516.
31. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW xxxi 534.
32. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 195.
33. Marx to Bolte, MEW xxxi 330. One of the later members of the General
Council, Townshend, said that Marx always behaved as a 'gendeman', Engels
as a 'domineering German'. Cf. M. Beer, Fifty Years of International Socialism
(London, 1937 ) p. 134.
34. The General Council of the First International, Minutes, 161.
35. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 123.
36. MESW 1 447.
37. The lecture was found among Marx's papers and published by his daughter
Eleanor under the tide Value, Price and Profit. It occupies fifty pages in
38. Marx to Antoinette Philips, MEW xxxi 504 f.
39. It is worth noting Mazzini's judgement of Marx, delivered just before the
fall of the commune: he spoke of Marx as 'a German, a man of acute but
destructive intelligence, imperious, jealous of the influence of others, without
any strong philosophical or religious convictions and, I fear, with a heart
more full of hate, albeit justified, than of love': (La Roma del Popolo, no. xx,
13 July 1871).
40. Marx to Kugelmann, MEW xxxi 455.
41. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 48.
42. Marx to Schweitzer, MEW xxxi 446.
43. Engels to Marx, MEW xxxi 138.
44. Marx to Engels, MEW xxxi 136.
45. Marx to Klings, MEW xxxi 417.
46. Marx to Siebel, MEW xxxi 437.
47. MESW i 397.
48. How much out of touch he was is shown by his certainty that Prussia could

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